Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Michi wrote:
Raging Justice wrote:Did we say that games count for this thread? I've been hearing about this bizarre game called Dredge that has been described as a horror fishing game. What the hell?

I kind of want to try it.

Absolutely! Go forth! Try it. Report back to us your findings about the odd horror fishing game.

WTF would anyone make a horror fishing game....?

prfsnl_gmr wrote:It’s still October, everybody!!!

I'm still watching stuff!

Still continuing with my "theme":

Feast <--- Link to more detailed write-up thoughts here


A bunch of people at a remote bar are attacked by a family of very angry, hungry, and horny monsters.

Okay, this one is simple, but fun. It's just a cheesy, bloody monster movie, but it also knows it's a cheesy, bloody monster movie, and it rolls with that knowledge accordingly. I wouldn't say it knocked my socks off or anything, but it's very entertaining for what it is.

Also watched some things the rest of you all have been seeing....



A gas station clerk gets a random call from a near-blind woman begging for help and ends up having to try to help guide the woman through the woods in order to escape her kidnapper.

I like this one, thought it was fun. But I have some problems with it. The main one being that, considering Emily bashed Charlie's head in at least half a dozen times, and the amount of blood loss that resulted, there's no way Charlie got up from that, let alone chased her through the woods. At the very least there should have been a lot more stumbling, but more realistically he'd still be lying on the ground in a puddle of blood and drool from that level of head trauma. But that's just a pet peeve of mine. Other than that, not bad.


Totally Killer


A killer returns after a 35-year hiatus and the daughter of his most recent victim goes back in time to try to stop him before he starts his killing spree.

I really liked this one. It's like a bizarre combination of Freaky, Back to the Future and Happy Death Day, but it works. The rare charming slasher that's smart, but doesn't try to be too smart to the point it feels pretentious. Fun film.


Pet Semetary (2019)


Look, you know the plot. Family moves to small town. Cat dies. Dad buries cat in the local pet semetary. Cat comes back from the dead, but is evil. Everything snowballs from there.

This is an okay remake, that very closely follows the plot of the original, and thus the book. The only real difference are the updated visuals, the "switch" they pull, and the ending. But other than that there isn't anything really impressive or surprising here.

One interesting thing to note though, is that the filmmakers clearly assume you've already watched the 1989 film, because they pull a couple of "gotcha" moments that are clearly nods to the original...and then end up doing exactly what you expected them to do anyway. Like, "oh, ooooh, here it comes, here it comes, wait for i-....PSYCH! Tricked ya!....Okay, maybe not. Hehehehe." So in other words, the filmmakers were purposefully trying to be assholes. The little scamps.

And Finally....

Pet Semetary: Bloodlines


War vet Timmy is brought back from the dead by his distraught father Bill, who buried him in the local "pet semetary." So now a group of townfolk, including a much younger Jud, are forced to put Timmy down before he ends up knocking off too many people.

This is a prequel film depicting what happened when the last human was buried in the Ludlow "pet semetary" in 1969, prior to it occurring again some time later in Pet Semetary. It's...kinda meh, actually. It's got some nice and gnarly visuals, but isn't all that scary or even exciting. It's also wrought with characters making spectacularly dumb decisions (Why the hell are you idiots splitting up? Again?!?), and a waste of good talent (Pan Grier deserved better.) Though I did like that poor kidnapped Norma ended up having to save herself because everyone else is too fucking busy fighting off the possessed demon corpse that it looks like they kinda forgot about her for a hot second. Really though, the film just makes me wonder why, after all the shit that's depicted here, Jud would ever tell anyone about the pet semetary.... ever. Like, he ends the film saying to stay "the fuck away" from Ludlow, but the first chance he gets he helps a veritable stranger bury their kids dead cat in the burial ground from Hell to start the cycle all over again? Seriously, WTF is wrong with you, dude?

Here's a peculiarity though: this movie is a prequel based on the updated 2019 remake. Which isn't peculiar in and of itself, however, the peculiar thing is that Timmy's story isn't really brought up in the remake. In the 1989 film (and the book), Jud sits down and tells Louis all about Timmy and his dad and how Timmy didn't come back right and they had to kill him yadda yadda. But in the remake that conversation doesn't happen. It's replaced by this odd segue into a story about the Wedigo (of all things.) All you hear about Timmy is from an article Louis reads online, and the whole thing goes by in less than 5 seconds, so quickly I bet most viewers outright missed it. So without that reference the film really feels more like a proper prequel to the original 1989 film rather than the remake...except it can't be, because they went and changed the time frame from WWII to Vietnam, because I guess WWII is too old now, and if you go by that time frame that means poor Jud aged atrociously. It's just kinda odd, is what I'm saying.

First, great reviews, as always, @michi. Glad I’m not the only one still watching horror films.

Tonight, we started up Netflix’s The Fall of the House of Usher. The first episode is solid, and I’m looking forward to the rest. I’m also blowing through a lot of Poe’s short stories this year, and it will be neat to see if the series ties in, at all, to some of the author’s less famous work.

Raging Justice wrote:Did we say that games count for this thread? I've been hearing about this bizarre game called Dredge that has been described as a horror fishing game. What the hell?

I kind of want to try it.

Definitely! Our first Halloween threads were just about horror games.

Also, I’ve read that Dredge is really good. Let us know what you think about it (even if it’s not really the first horror-fishing game…I think Mysteries Under Lake Ophelia claimed that title).
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Raging Justice »

Alright, I think I'll give Dredge a go. I think I'm gonna play Tchia as well. It'll provide a nice, lighthearted contrast to the scary fishy game :lol:
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Raging Justice »

Can a game be both relaxing and disturbing at the same time? Dredge sure is LOL. I'm enjoying it.

It's reminding me of how compelling and engrossing water themed games can be. I need to get back to playing Subnautica some time. It's a sci fi survival game about being stranded in the middle of an ocean on an alien planet. Dredge is making me think about it. Subnautica can be terrifying when you're in pitch black parts of the ocean, or when some giant, underwater beast starts eyeing you for prey. The ocean is a scary place. I listened to a certain youtuber who is also a horror aficionado describe how the ocean is his biggest fear because it holds so many mysteries, it also has no care or concern for how out of our element we are when we are out there. It's like being in an alien world. We don't belong there.

Dredge also has me wanting to delve into some HP Lovecraft works. I wouldn't know where to start though.

I love the audio in Dredge, lots of melancholic music that I find myself just listening to at times. I also encountered a painter who can customize the appearance of your boat. I found myself just listening to and enjoying the sounds of him painting and working like some sort of ASMR experience LOL.

Oh and lastly, creepy whispers and insanity levels are a thing in Dredge. Reminds me a bit of the game Eternal darkness that I know you guys are familiar with.

Dredge is an easy game to get lost in for a few hours. If I have a criticism, it would be that the fishing itself is the least interesting part of the game. It simply consists of a very simple mini-game. Dredge is not so much about the fishing itself. The game is more about exploration, meeting interesting characters, and discovering more about the story, the lore, and mysteries surrounding its world.

The gameplay itself is fun though, despite how simplistic the fishing is. It's a game where you spend a lot of time upgrading your boat in various ways. While the fishing itself isn't particularly interesting, finding every fish as well as every variation of each fish (including freaky supernatural ones) is addicting in a "gotta catch 'em all" kind of way. There's other items to find in the waters as well, like old bottles that have a side story attached to them. There are also relics to find in ship wrecks, which lead to some...interesting upgrades from a very mysterious collector. Interesting in the supernatural sense that is.

While you are doing all of these things, you need to be cautious of nightfall, when things get dangerous, like some eerie and unnatural denizens of the ocean attacking your boat, or crashing into rocks due to the eerie, unnatural fog that clouds your vision. Looking for any source of light (like the Light House) is really helpful in these situations. You also need to keep track of your character's sanity. You will see some weird shit if you start ignoring it. When you're out in the waters at night and your character hasn't slept for a while and that fog rolls in, the game starts to feel really unsettling.

So I sort of described the basic gameplay loop of the game, at least thus far. There are little surprises here and there. I had some weird looking crows with red, glowing eyes, steal my fish at one point. I also got notified at one point of...something jumping onto my boat. This lead to some of my fish getting infected by...something. I'm also fulfilling some rather strange requests from some of the NPCs, delivering odd, mysterious packages to a dock worker, and delivering...some...unusual types of fish to the fishmonger who is doing...god knows what with them (you don't ask questions when I guy asks you to leave then bolts the door behind you).

These are my thoughts so far, I feel I'm still early in the game so who knows what else it has in store for me.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Raging Justice »

Some lovely experiences I have had while sailing at night in Dredge:

A big, giant, tentacle randomly shooting out of the ocean depths only to then come crashing down on my ship

A loud horn ringing out in the night, prompting me to scan my surroundings...and see a ship speeding across the waters. I started sailing towards it trying to catch up to it and...well some bad things happened.

I approached a ship wreck hoping to "dredge" it for some materials and nearly shit myself when the wreck turned into a giant monster made out of ship parts

An eerie red tinted tornado appearing out of thin air in front of my ship and then mercilessly pursuing it

Now, I should probably mention that at least one or two of these things happened while my character was either tired or in a state of panic. I'm still learning how these states work. I do know that when you haven't slept in a while EVERY single NPC you encounter tells you how awful you look.

On a more positive note, swimming in the ocean during the day might get you lucky enough to see some dolphins swimming alongside your boat.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

We’ve been working our way through Netflix’s The Fall of the House of Usher; so, our movie watching has slowed a bit. Still, we watched The Exorcist III last night. It is, I understand, the best Exorcist sequel (which may be damning it with faint praise since The Exorcist II is considered one of the worst movies in any genre). William Peter Blattey, who wrote The Exorcist, wrote and directed this film (which is based on his novel Legion). It acts as a direct sequel to The Exorcist, with many actors from that film reprising their roles (and ignoring the aforementioned Exorcist II). Although it features many supernatural elements, it really isn’t much of a demon possession movie, though. It is much more of a “hunt for a serial murderer” movie with long scenes of people talking about gruesome murders and investigating gruesome crime scenes. It is also a very “talky” movie with a lot of dialogue and long scenes consisting entirely of conversations. Thankfully, the inimitable George C. Scott makes all of those scenes very enjoyable, and the movie’s dialogue is frequently funny and smart. The movie is also deeply strange, with long dream sequences and an awkward, tacked-on exorcism scene at the end (featuring a priest with absolutely no character development).

Overall, The Exorcist III is a good, but not great, horror film that really doesn’t touch the original…except for one absolutely brilliant sequence. Specifically, the movie features one static shot of a hospital hallway about 2/3 of the way through the movie that is just an absolute master class of effective horror filmmaking. The technique pioneered there has been folded into many modern horror films to great effect, and as an aficionado of horror films, that one scene is enough to recommend the film to anyone. (Streaming on Prime Video)

Your Blood Runs Cold at the Sight of prfsnl gmr’s October Horror Movie List Spook-tacular!
The Bloodhound - :)
The Burning - :)
Dressed to Kill - :|
The Exorcist III - :)
The Girl with All the Gifts - :D
Rabid - :cry:
Renfield - :)
Totally Killer - :D

Scream at prfsnl gmr’s Pre-Gaming Watchlist of Blood!
Altered States - :)
As Above So Below - :|
Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter - :|
Dead & Buried - :D
Evil Dead Rise - :D
Insidious - :D
In The Mouth of Madness - :|
Malevolent - :)
The Pope’s Exorcist - :)
Run Rabbit - :cry:
The Stepfather - :)
Tenebrae - :D
Train to Busan - :D
Unseen - :)
Vivarium - :)
Last edited by prfsnl_gmr on Thu Oct 19, 2023 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Ack »

Oh no, you need to see The Exorcist II just to see James Earl Jones in a locust outfit hanging out with the swarm in Africa while folks spend time in the most '70s room imaginable for sleep studies.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Michi »

And my movie watching continues....

Still continuing with my "theme" for the month:

Grace <--- Link to more detailed write-up thoughts here


After her husbands death, a Woman gives birth to their baby...except there seems to be something wrong with it. So now she must go to extreme measures to try to keep her child alive.

Good, slow-burn psychological horror film that slowly gets creepier and creepier the more it goes on. Basically the worst case scenario for all upcoming, or new mothers. Seriously, don't let your pregnant friends watch this. It might make them super paranoid.

And continuing on with the creepy baby-centric theme...

Inside <--- Link to more detailed write-up thoughts here


After her husbands death (gee, I'm sensing a pattern here...), a woman on the verge of giving birth is cornered in a home invasion involving a mysterious woman who seems intent on ripping her unborn child right out of her with a very large pair of scissors.

Okay, so, definitely don't let your pregnant friends watch this one. This is one of those new wave French horror, or New French Extremity films, and I don't think a single set piece wasn't covered in blood by the time the production was over. Very intense, very bloody, and the antagonist is super creepy. That said, there were a lot of small things about this film that really started to annoy be by the end (did none of the neighbors care about all the screaming and gunshots going on during Christmas Eve?!). But as long as you don't let those things bother you, the film is fine for the bloodbath that it is.

And since I watched {REC}...



A reporter and her cameraman get trapped get trapped in an apartment complex with all the residents while trying to figure out why they've been detained and cut off from the rest of the world.

Have you seen {REC}? Cause this is basically {REC}, just in English and with a couple minor plot changes. Some work and some don't, but it's basically the same film, just with a different cause for the quarantine. It's a pretty faithful adaptation, actually, though maybe not quite as intense as the original. Oh, and whoever was in charge of marketing should probably be smacked for putting the last few seconds of the film on all the posters and promotional material.

And since I watched that....

Quarantine 2: Terminal


It's basically the same plot as the first Quarantine, except it takes place on a plane, and in an empty airport terminal.

Unlike Quarantine, this is not a recreation of {REC} 2, and is instead it's own movie. Plays out a lot similarly to the first film, too. Probably even has the same amount of rodents, oddly enough. Except it's not as good once they get off the plane, and it's filmed in third person instead of first person "shaky cam." Not bad as dull follow-ups go, but they could have been more creative.

And Finally....



A detective and a young paramedic team up to stop a brutal serial killer who has a secret agenda and likes to slice-n-dice people wearing a mask modeled after Michelangelo's David.

I think this just came out this month, but I think they maybe should have kept it in the oven to cook more. I mean, I do think there's a good movie buried somewhere in here (deep, deep down), but it's being muddled by too many miscellaneous plot points (I do not need to know, nor do I care, about the issues the heroine has with her mother's death) and questionable narrative framing (way too many flashbacks at the end to explain everything away). I can't tell if it's too ambitious for it's own good, or they just didn't have enough funds to flesh everything out to where it needed to be. Or maybe both, I don't know. It's an odd combination of slasher/revenge/mystery/thriller, but they've got so much going on that they really only get the slasher parts right and everything else ends up kinda stunted. It does have a couple rather grisly kills to its name, and I also liked the creepy, eyeless David mask, and the fact that the killer actually had a decent motive beyond the usual "I'm crazy. Imma stabby-stabby everyone I see" modus operandi that usually shows up in these things. But then after you learn the killer's motives and they get their revenge, they still end up chasing the heroine around during a final chase scene in the end, because....they can, I guess? And don't get me wrong, its a pretty good chase scene (like I said, they only got the slasher parts right), but it doesn't make any sense once you learn that there was a definitive motive behind the other attacks and this chick had nothing to do with anything leading to those motives. It's almost like the filmmakers felt they had to make them a dick at the end because they were afraid they'd built up too much sympathy for them. So, it's basically a "meh" movie that's fine to put on in the background, but you need not pay too much attention to it.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Raging Justice »


Getting pretty close to finishing Dredge, it's a very cool game that I recommend. It's not exactly a game that will terrify you or give you a white knuckle experience or anything like that. Outside of a few freaky occurrences when you're sailing at night, or when your panic meter is up, this isn't a particularly scary game and nothing about the gameplay is particularly hard. In fact, it's pretty damn hard to actually DIE in Dredge. Things will attack your ship, but generally don't make any effort to finish you off. So the only way you'd die is if you got attacked by something after you failed to repair your ship from the LAST thing that attacked you.

All that said though, the eldritch element of the game is nice more for what it brings to the dark and mysterious story telling, characters, and overall feeling of the world in which this game takes place. You will encounter various types of monsters while playing through the story and it's cool how they are each dealt with. One is a giant underwater creature that you need to outmaneuver with your boat, another is a group of blind creatures who detect sound, so you'll find yourself bringing your boat to a halt whenever one is about to pop out of the water.

As I've mentioned before, I love some of the weird shit that happens when sailing around. Periodically, I would hear a loud, roar - seemingly rising up from the depths of the ocean - and my controller would rumble. This happened several times while playing the game and I just love how it kind of freaks you out the first few times, and the fact that the game doesn't even indicate to you what the hell it even is. Sometimes you'll hear a weird musical cue followed by several red eyes appearing out of thin air and staring at your boat. One time I saw a giant tentacle jut out of the ocean, then a giant whale pounced on it and devoured it. The oceans of Dredge are a fascinating place.

There's a character that gives you a camera and tells you places where you can photograph different types of wildlife, giving me Beyond Good and Evil vibes. This aspect of the game confused me though as the game never seemed to save any of my pictures. I would have liked to see this part of the game focused on more as there is just as much beautiful wildlife to see in the game as there is creepy shit (and I would like pictures of the creepy shit too).

Overall, I'd describe the game as a relaxing, little, fishing game with a supernatural tone and some interesting characters and story. You'll get the most out of it if you take time to explore the game's waters, finding different little secrets, collectibles, interesting NPCs, hidden side quests, and different types of fish (there's a few hidden rare ones). I've heard the game has multiple endings too. It's not a big budget horror title, just a simple, little, indie game that is very polished and will keep you engaged for a good 12 hours or so (longer if you're a completionist)

On another note, I very much recommend the youtube channel Wendigoon. I kind of hate youtube right now, so I'll also mention that he has a channel on Odysee. Some of his videos are conspiracy oriented stuff that won't appeal to some people. However, he has a ton of videos covering anything horror related from video games, to movies, to ARGs, to analog horror, to books, to serial killers, to the supernatural, to body horror, to REAL LIFE horror stories, etc. If it's scary or disturbing...then he's totally into it. You'll more than likely find at least one of his videos covering something that will make you uncomfortable. His videos are nice and simple, a guy with a microphone looking into the camera and talking to you. He's a good storyteller, has a good sense of humor, and thoroughly researches whatever he's talking about (largely out of sheer passion for the content I would say). A lot of his videos are quite lengthy too.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Michi »

More movies!

Still continuing with my "theme" for the month:

May <--- Link to more detailed write-up thoughts here


An awkward loner tries to make friends, and for a time she actually manages it. Hell, she even has dating prospects. But when both relationships go "plop" she decides to follow her mother's advice and make a friend herself.

I really liked this one. Another good, slow-burn psychological horror film that you're not sure where it's going at first, but then the last half-hour really ramps up the creep and horror factor. It also does a good job of making you feel bad for everyone, even the creepy killer, which is no small feat. But when I say this one is "slow-burn" I mean it's really slow-burn, so you've got to have a little patience for it. But definitely worth a try if you like psychological horror films.

And moving on...

Deliver Us From Evil


A detective, his partner and a local clergyman try to piece together a series of strange crimes that may be linked to a group of Iraqi vets...and EVIL .

This is supposed to be "based on a true story", but it's not. It's a new story, it just uses names of real people. It's part police drama/thriller and part horror film, with an exorcism at the end. It's got some some decent atmosphere and creepy imagery, but the exorcism is probably the best part, as a lot of the middle is kinda dull, even by police procedural standards. And honestly, as neat as the exorcism scene is, even it made me giggle a bit, because the priest keeps explaining every step of it to the cop as if he were explaining a math problem to a young child. "Okay, this is the....Now is the....Next is the..." Damn demon was surprisingly considerate to let the dude give a lesson in the middle of his own exorcism. In short: Okay, but not great.

And since I watched that...

The Devil Inside


A young woman tries to figure out what really happened to her mother years ago, when her mother killed several members of the local church while they were supposedly performing an exorcism on her.

This film, however, can't even be described as okay. Or good. Cause it ain't. It's just an incredibly boring "found footage" horror film. It starts out okay, but the middle and end are just a dull slog. There's barely any buildup. You never really care about the characters it introduces, and absolutely nothing memorable happens. In fact, you'll probably forget most of the movie 5 minutes after it's over. Skip it and go watch Blair Witch or something else instead.

And finally....



A young woman who has been having strange visions since a car accident that caused her older sister's death 8 years ago, goes back to her hometown to investigate the events surrounding her sister's strange burial.

Okay, this one was a lot better, but not perfect. It's sort of a mystery crossed with a haunted house film. But while the beginning and end are good, the middle portion tends to drag its feet. If they could have figured that part out the film would have been much better. But the inside of the house did have some nice, creepy aesthetics, so even though parts of it were kinda boring the middle wasn't a total wash. I did get a little annoyed by the characters constantly bringing up the main character "freaking out" during her sister's funeral though. They all tended to link it to her being "crazy". Like, seriously you ass-hats, did no one once consider that, "oh, ya know, maybe the poor orphaned 14-year-old who saw her sister, her only living family, burn to death is highly traumatized by the whole experience?" Nope, can't be that. She's just crazy. *sigh* Ya'lls levels of consideration and sympathy is astounding. What a bunch of dicks...
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

@RJ…I appreciate the video game review! We need more of those on this thread!

@michi…Your movie reviews are always great.

Michi wrote:Grace <--- Link to more detailed write-up thoughts here


After her husbands death, a Woman gives birth to their baby...except there seems to be something wrong with it. So now she must go to extreme measures to try to keep her child alive.

Good, slow-burn psychological horror film that slowly gets creepier and creepier the more it goes on. Basically the worst case scenario for all upcoming, or new mothers. Seriously, don't let your pregnant friends watch this. It might make them super paranoid.

And continuing on with the creepy baby-centric theme...

Inside <--- Link to more detailed write-up thoughts here


After her husbands death (gee, I'm sensing a pattern here...), a woman on the verge of giving birth is cornered in a home invasion involving a mysterious woman who seems intent on ripping her unborn child right out of her with a very large pair of scissors.

Okay, so, definitely don't let your pregnant friends watch this one. This is one of those new wave French horror, or New French Extremity films, and I don't think a single set piece wasn't covered in blood by the time the production was over. Very intense, very bloody, and the antagonist is super creepy. That said, there were a lot of small things about this film that really started to annoy be by the end (did none of the neighbors care about all the screaming and gunshots going on during Christmas Eve?!). But as long as you don't let those things bother you, the film is fine for the bloodbath that it is.

My mother saw Rosemary’s Baby while she was pregnant with me, and she swears to this day that it’s the scariest movie ever made. It’s interesting to me how much your life circumstances can make a horror movie really hit home. (We watched The Babdook while going through a rough patch with our small children, and it was terrifying. It probably wouldn’t be so scary now.)

Speaking of horror films…

We went to a movie theater this weekend and saw A Haunting in Venice, which is 100% a horror film. It’s a very loose adaptation of Agatha Christie’s criminally underrated Hallowe’en Party, and it features Kenneth Branagh as Hercule Poirot. It’s ostensibly a murder mystery, but it reminded me much, much more of the “old dark house” movies of the 1930s and 1940s featuring, among other things, a decrepit manor, a seance, secret passages, a collapsing chandeliers, apparitions, and more dead bodies (and creative kills!) than a slasher film. Likewise, the movie incorporates a lot of horror techniques, being replete with jump scares, disorienting camera angles, and amazingly creepy set design. The result is both a very solid horror movie and easily the best of Kenneth Branagh’s recent Agatha Christie adaptations. Highly recommended. (Available in theaters).

Last night, my wife and I watched Get Out. It is a rock solid horror film about a young African-American man going to visit his girlfriend’s family. I have intentionally (and surprisingly) avoided spoiler since this movie came out six years ago, and I won’t say much more about the film here. I’ll just note that it blew away my high expectations and has definitely earned its place as a modern horror classic. Very highly recommended. (Streaming on Netflix)

Tonight, we watched Open Water, since every Halloween movie season should feature a movie with…SHARKS! It is an ultra low budget film - made for only $120k - about a couple stranded after a scuba diving expedition. It’s mostly low quality photography coupled with extremely annoying dialogue. (The two main characters have to be the dumbest people on earth.) By the end, I was rooting for them to be eaten by sharks, and <spoilers!> my wish came true! Still, I admire low budget film making like this, and I can’t entirely hate a movie made so effectively on such a shoestring budget. (Available on DVD)

Your Blood Runs Cold at the Sight of prfsnl gmr’s October Horror Movie List Spook-tacular!
The Bloodhound - :)
The Burning - :)
Dressed to Kill - :|
The Exorcist III - :)
Get Out - :D
A Haunting in Venice - :D
The Girl with All the Gifts - :D
Open Water - :|
Rabid - :cry:
Renfield - :)
Totally Killer - :D

Scream at prfsnl gmr’s Pre-Gaming Watchlist of Blood!
Altered States - :)
As Above So Below - :|
Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter - :|
Dead & Buried - :D
Evil Dead Rise - :D
Insidious - :D
In The Mouth of Madness - :|
Malevolent - :)
The Pope’s Exorcist - :)
Run Rabbit - :cry:
The Stepfather - :)
Tenebrae - :D
Train to Busan - :D
Unseen - :)
Vivarium - :)
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