Your retro/independent gaming shop memories

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Re: Your retro/independent gaming shop memories

Post by SamuraiMegas »

Game Trade in Mesquite Tx used to hook me up 10+ years ago on the regular. I started going there and buying old games when I was like ~8 and they just seemed to like that I was into the stuff so they'd help me find things. I was in 6th-7th grade and got a Dreamcast and told them I was after MVC2. Called me up when they had a disc only copy, then called me and sold me the case and manual for $5 when they got a full copy in. Would always get me a couple % extra on trades when the owner or manager was there. Used to get told I could get hired there on the spot when I turned 18 but I was working other jobs by that point.

They moved at one point and lost most of the charm. Oh well.
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Re: Your retro/independent gaming shop memories

Post by Note »

That's cool they treated you well for all those years Megas, and hooked you up when they knew stuff you were looking for came in. That's a nice connection to have for sure.

Can't say I was a regular that dropped in often enough at any shop to build a solid relationship like that, but I've had some great convos with employees and other patrons while checking out stores, which I enjoy.
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