Gaming Resolutions for 2022

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Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by alienjesus »

It's 2022 tomorrow, and just for the fun of it I thought it would be interesting to discuss people's gaming resolutions for the year. Are there certain games you want to play or buy? Do you want to focus more time on a specific series or console? Maybe you want to cut back and spend less time or money? Here's where you can share your objectives for next year, as pertains to the world of games.

P.S. I know there's a thread for New Years Resolutions already, but that looked much more general and this is for gaming specific stuff!

I didn't do any of these in 2021 as I wanted a year with less checklists to achieve - but I'm having an attempt again next year, let's see how I do:

AJ's 2022 gaming resolutions:

Buy some 'new' gaming hardware
I've got most of the consoles I'm really interested in these days, but there's a few (quite pricy) stragglers that I'd love to add to the collection. I'd like to buy at least one, maybe 2, of these systems in 2022.

The consoles in question are the Neo Geo, the Sega Mega CD and the Sega SG-1000. I'm also quite tempted by those new-fangled PS5s, so that would count too.

Upgrade my set-up
I've got a good few things I'd like to do to upgrade my gaming set-up next year. I've recently purchased a retrotink 5x and I'd like to set it up to work with all my consoles.

To do that, I need to do some of the following:
- Get new shelves built to hold more systems
- Organise my wiring to make it tidier and more manageable
- Get some of my consoles modded for better output. Ideally I'd like PC Engine upgraded to RGB, and my Dreacmast and PS1 upgraded to HDMI.
- Find a HDMI switchbox that works with my HDMI modded N64, as my current one doesn't play nice
- Buy a good quality SCART switchbox

Do some more modding
In 2021 I tackled a few basic mods by myself. This was my first time soldering and I think it went OK, so I'd love to try a few more next year for fun. In 2021 I installed a backlit screen into my Neo Geo Pocket and Wonderswan, and rechargeable batteries and a new soundboard into my Game Gear. I've got lots of spare Game Boy hardware hanging about, so maybe in 2022 I'll start by upgrading one of those!

Focus my game purchases
In previous years I've tried to set a cap to number of purchases but this year I'm ignoring that. I just want to focus purchases on things I would like to buy rather than limited the amount. Things like these:

- 'Complete' a console set. By this I mean buying all the major games I want, not every game for the system. There may be others I'm interested in, but all the big ticket stuff should be ticked off. The closest systems for this for me would be N64 and Gamecube, so one of those systems.

- Buy more games in the Klonoa series. I just like these games, and there's not that many of them, so I want to pick some more up!

- Focus on games for Sony hardware. I have a decent Vita, PSP and PS4 library, but my PS1, PS2 and PS3 collections are very small. This is an area I've not explored for long enough, so I'd like to look at building my collection for these systems somewhat this year!

Stop neglecting some of my consoles
There are some systems I haven't bought a game for in the last 3 years. I would like to buy at least one title for these consoles in 2022. These systems are: Xbox (last purchase: December 2017), PS Vita (Dec 17), Dreamcast (Dec 17), Wonderswan (Nov 17), PS3 (Aug 17), Master System (Mar 17), 3DO (Apr 16) and PS2 (Apr 14!!).

Focus my game playing on one console and handheld at a time
I started this one towards the end of 2021, but I'd like to continue it next year. I noticed some consoles still felt a bit foreign to me every time I played them, because whilst I've played 20 games on them, it was over the space of 12+ years and so I never really settled in and played the console in a way I got familiar.

To combat that, I am choosing one home console and one handheld from my collection and either beating all my unfinished games or 10 of them, whichever comes first. In 2021 I chose Saturn and GBA for this, and I finished all 10 GBA games and 8/10 Saturn games so far.

I'm not going to be super strict with this. Hopefully I can keep it going throughout 2022, but if I move on to something else or play a game from another system because I really want to, I won't count this as failed - I should just aim to get back to it after!

There's my ideas, but I'd love to see what you guys want to do, if you have any gaming plans for 2022!
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

For me, I'd like to:

1. Stop buying so many games at launch. They all get price drops SUPER fast these days, and I let my excitement get the better of me. I don't even end up playing most of them for months after launch anyway.

2. Beat more games than I buy. I say this every year. I've never been successful. I doubt I will be this year either.
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by Markies »

1. Beat My Backlog!!

I am currently at 11 games left and I would love to do it before my Backloggiversary, which is at the end of July.

Besides that, who knows because everything will change afterwards.
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by bmoc »

ElkinFencer10 wrote:For me, I'd like to:

1. Stop buying so many games at launch. They all get price drops SUPER fast these days, and I let my excitement get the better of me. I don't even end up playing most of them for months after launch anyway.

2. Beat more games than I buy. I say this every year. I've never been successful. I doubt I will be this year either.

I think most of us are guilty of these. I'm getting better at #1 but not so much #2. #1 should be pretty easy for me as I looked over the current 2022 lineup of games and didn't see anything that I had to have at launch.

As for my resolution, it will be to redo my game room at the new house and actually finish it. I never completed the entertainment center at my current place because I knew I would be moving. I'm also going to have to purchase some new speakers since most of my speakers are in-wall. Once I am able to get up into the attic of the new place, I can ascertain how doable surround sound will be. I may have to settle for a 3.1 speaker system which wouldn't be the worst and would certainly be cheaper. If all goes well, we should be moving into the new house sometime in January. RIP the old game room.
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by Anapan »

My gaming resolution is still 1080p. Last year's new years resolution goal of 4K hasn't been fulfilled mostly because my main screen still works so well. I really enjoy the color gamut this plasma has. I know it's a mistake to trust an OLED to last nearly as long as this has, but the gains are so much better than my old tech. This year for sure.
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by Syndicate »

Upgrading my set up is the number one gaming goal/resolution for 2022. I want to pick up a more modern tv (hopefully an OLED) for 4k consoles, but I would really like to get some quality sound going. I'm thinking of going w/a 3.1 setup since I have the space now, but honestly anything would be better than tv speakers. From classics like SoR2 or Shinobi III to more modern offerings like Ori or the Mass Effect trilogy I can't wait to hear how awesome these could sound. It would also be nice to get some game related art on the walls.

Getting my legacy consoles hooked up is my next project, I would especially like to get my Saturn, Dreamcast, NGC, and PS2 hooked back up. Leading into another resolution of attacking the backlog. I have a ton of stuff to play across so many platforms, it would be nice to finally make a dent in that. With more time to play now I think I'll try to finish at least one game a month. Just pick something that seems interesting and just go for it.
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by Nemoide »

I'm really torn between "shrink the backlog" and "get every game for handhelds that I lay my eyes on"
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by REPO Man »

Finish the PlayStation Classic consoles I got and modded for my nieces and nephews. TBH I'm almost done. I just gotta test a few OpenBOR mods, create some configs for certain games (like with Xeno Crisis, map the A/B/X/Y buttons to the face buttons and map C/Z to L1/R1), make sure all the folders can be navigated smoothly and that all the artwork displays properly.

Other than that, I'd LOVE to build an arcade cabinet. That's been my dream project for ages.

And I've taken quite a shine to making custom artwork. I've even whipped up box art for a non-existing Jem and the Holograms game. Just because.

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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by pook99 »

My only resolution is to buy less games, my gaming time is severely reduced and will be for the foreseeable future so the amount I spend on games just doesnt make sense for me right now, just want to scale it back a bit. Outside of that my other goal is to get a steam deck and play some games from my steam library that I have not touched in a year.
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by Anapan »

That's actually the best idea. I spent more on games and hardware last year than I have ever, and I really don't play games much. Even my aging PS4 has trouble with its 1tb storage as I juggle the contents, and I have less than 80 hours logged. At least the kids have used it extensively.
It was was really stupid to dump so much into digital games on Switch when I could've gotten the same games physically for a fraction. Glad my friend called me out before I dumped too much.
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