Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by Michi »

Drive-In Massacre


Unfortunately, the poster is deceiving and looks leagues cooler than the actual movie.

This is an early pseudo-slasher about a killer with a sword who stalks and kills visitors of a small California drive-in. But instead of focusing on the victims or the killer, we spend most of our time following around the detectives on the case as they follow leads. Which is actually a nice change in focus from later slashers. But the downside is the story is so thin that much of the film is padded out to ungodly lengths (including a pointless 10-minute long scene at the end) that the story can become tedious. Add in some crappy camera work and some awful sound and cheap effects and you have the perfect recipe for real life drive-in schlock. I guess, I mean. I don't know. I assume that's what they were going for, anyway, what with that corney ending and all. At least on the plus side, there were a couple of amusing scenes (including an apparent homage to The Town That Dreaded Sundown) and the acting was surprisingly decent. But other than that? Meh.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by PretentiousHipster »

Trick or Treat was a strange beast. It's about a metal musician that died, and a radio DJ played be Gene Simmons gives a kid that gets bullied a lot a sort of demo vinyl by the musician. He then starts playing it backwards and there are messages. He uses that to fight against his bullies, but then it goes out of control, and then the musician comes back as a sort of electric zombie. The strange thing about it is that with a plot like this, and especially when he comes back he does a concert for a high school, it was be super silly right? Surprisingly no, especially with its bullying the tone of the film was super serious and dark. It taken me aback, and I would actually call it a flaw for this sort of film.

I might get shit for saying this, but I rewatched this psychological/family drama film called Krisha, and upon a rewatch I would call it a horror film. It's made by Trey Edward Shults, who later on made It Comes at Night which I should probably watch. It's of a mother who abandoned her son and the entire family hates coming back after decades to see the family again for Thanksgiving, and it slowly falls apart. The thing that made it horror in my sense was its tone. It's incredibly claustrophobic and intense. It gives this sort of horror lens to it if that makes sense. Fantastic performances which is surprisingly because barely any of them are actors, and most are family members. I guess you can say that this was showing a case of real horror which is the American family in chaos.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by Ack »

I don't know if the director of Krisha considers it a horror film, but there are definitely films where the tone makes it so. If you feel the tone of Krisha is horror, then it's horror to you, plain and simple.

This is what I have to tell myself at least, because apparently some of these folks consider Ghouls N' Ghosts a horror game, and yes, I'm still bitter.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by Michi »

Death Warmed Up


Yay, some Kiwi horror!...with a very nonsensical plot! I guess that's not too unusual with Kiwi horror though.

A kid gets brainwashed into killing his parents by an evil scientist and gets sent away to an insane asylum. Once he gets out he's intent on revenge, but in order to do that he'll have to deal with a small army and crazy zombies. There's a lot of other stuff that goes on, but most if it is very confusing and really just an excuse for excessive gore and violence. So if you're looking for that, it's a fun film. Just don't expect it to make much sense.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by Ack »

Yeah, Death Warmed Up is just so...bizarre. I still don't know what that was I watched.

Now, Michi....you watch Body Melt yet?
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by Michi »

Ack wrote:Yeah, Death Warmed Up is just so...bizarre. I still don't know what that was I watched.

Yup. That was my exact reaction to it. I thought I was actually following along pretty good there for a while, all things considered, at least until the last 20-minutes or so, but then the plot truck drove off and headed for Crazy-Town and I fell off the back.

Now, Michi....you watch Body Melt yet?

I have not, but it's on Tubi so it's now on my watch-list. Thanks, Ack!
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by PretentiousHipster »

The film Mad God is kind of beyond words. More like nightmare fuel instead of full on horror, but if you want an incredibly disturbing and grotesque experience then I highly recommend it, even if it goes a bit too far in those aspects. Made by a legendary animator and probably has some of the best animation I've seen to boot.

Rewatched Psycho 2 as well, and if it wasn't for the final few minutes I might argue that this is almost as good as the original part. It's more than worth watching, and surprisingly has one of the best depictions of mental illness.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by Ack »

Oh man, I have been wanting to watch Mad God since first being shown a trailer by Fastbilly. It looks amazing.


I finally saw the Night of the Demons remake from 2009, and... it's not as good as the original. It tries in some aspects to slavishly follow the original, but then when it breaks away, it spends way too much time on its partying scenes, which are something I always have a problem with in the film. Now it does have some interesting demons, particularly one woman whose face has been ripped off, exposing her skull. But it's hokey at best in a way that feels lesser than the original Night of the Demons, and it also tried to impose a sexiness that just feels forced.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by Michi »

Ah, that's a shame. I was thinking about doing that movie for January for remake month, but now I'm having second thoughts. I might check it out anyway just for the effects though. They sound fun.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 12: 80 Weeks Later

Post by Ack »

I'd say see it anyway, because this is just my opinion. Don't let me stop you from enjoying a movie, Michi. I'd genuinely hate for that.
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