Together Retro March '21 - One Hit(?) Wonders

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Re: Together Retro March '21 - One Hit(?) Wonders

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

Congrats, Nemoide! That game sounds heckin' brutal TwT

I've decided to throw in the towel on Okage. It's just not engaging enough for me to wanna go back to it with all the other stuff I wanna play right now. I did get through three games for this month's TR, though, so I'm pretty happy with myself for that ^w^
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Re: Together Retro March '21 - One Hit(?) Wonders

Post by Nemoide »

It's really not such a brutal game by NES standards, I just don't have the patience to deal with typical 8-bit BS. I think the pandemic has been effecting my taste in games.
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Re: Together Retro March '21 - One Hit(?) Wonders

Post by alienjesus »

I'm closing in on the end of Soleil now, but I also started my 2nd game for this month's Together Retro this week too, with Great Greed. Luckily, considering how late I've gotten to it, it works for next months theme too :lol:

This is an odd game. There's a slight eco-friendly theme too it, with the evil baddie being 'Bio-Haz' and him inflicting pollution upon the populace with factories and corruption. However, there's also a very odd food theme underpinning it too. Characters I've encountered so far include the good witch Microwave, the head of the royal guard Lunch Box and Princess Candy, and I've visited the country Spaghetti, where I helped Cabbage Head beat Crab Crabby in the mayoral election. It's a bit bizarre, but the weird names and unorthodox settings (I explored an abandoned vinyl record factory recently) underpin a fairly generic RPG in many ways.

The battle system seems unorthodox too at first, but other than some oddities it ends up feeling quite traditional. In battle you can press A to attack or B to defend, and you can equip spells to all d-pad directions to use, but despite this set up it's still turn based. Unusually, you and the enemy attack at the same time, but seeing as there's one on person per side in all battles this is more of a time saver then anything. Luckily spells go off first, so if you need to heal you won't die to an attack before the spell takes effect.

I'm enjoying it OK so far. It's a solid little RPG for the era, perhaps a little grindy (for equipment, rather than levels) but thats to be expected I think.
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Re: Together Retro March '21 - One Hit(?) Wonders

Post by alienjesus »

Another post from me. I finished up Soleil last night, just before the end of the month.

The last hour of the game was interesting, and took quite a tonal change to be a bit more serious and have a focus on morality and ethics. Unfortunately I feel like I missed a few bits because some of the story beats made me a bit lost at times, but I think I got the gist.

Soleil is a pretty fun game for the system, but it's not perfect. The US version of this game goes for silly prices (it's called Crusader of Centy over there, if it's more familiar to you that way) and whilst I definitely enjoyed the game, there's no way it warrants those prices. Its somewhat unique and decently fun - but there are better action adventures out there, even in the same console generation.
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