Random Gaming Thoughts

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

isiolia wrote:I don't think it's really much of a contest there. Metal Gear Solid has a lot of similarities to Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. There's definitely the shift to 3D and push towards cinematic presentation, but relative to some other 2D to 3D jumps like Mario, Metroid, etc... it's not really reinventing itself. Especially with the relatively limited 3D implementation in the original release, and MGS kinda-sorta reusing some characters and setups from MG2.
Additionally, you're looking at around 8 years between MG2 and MGS. For as great a return as MGS was, quite a lot of series were jumping to 3D in that generation. So, that sort of transition was almost going to be expected. What impresses me more there is just how ahead of its time MG2 was, and in turn how odd it was we didn't see it localized at the time (or even later in the 16-bit era).

GTA, on the other hand, had a far more compressed time scale. Figure, the first game came out in '97, second in '99, and then 2001 for GTAIII. Going from a sort of odd 2D overhead view (odd for the PS1 era at least) to practically defining (or redefining) the sandbox game two years later. I'd say it was a more dramatic change in style.

I see what you are saying, but I just can't ignore the fact that MGS was a main system seller for PSX and turned into a mainstream title. Its extremely iconic of PSX and that era. Was the 2D Metal Gear games as popular or successful? They seem a little bit obscure to me being released on MSX and not sure if ever released on the popular consoles of the time (SNES, Genesis, or DOS)
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by isiolia »

RCBH928 wrote:Was the 2D Metal Gear games as popular or successful? They seem a little bit obscure to me being released on MSX and not sure if ever released on the popular consoles of the time (SNES, Genesis, or DOS)

They were, though it's a little less straightforward. The first game was fairly popular on MSX, though I think more outside of Japan. It was also ported to Famicom and then NES in a hurry, without the involvement or approval of Kojima and team, and modified a good bit (and later used as the basis for the DOS port and so on). Still, the NES version went on to be a million-seller, making it fairly comparable to GTA (if not better, considering the market size).

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake was basically Japan only, though it debuted at the top of the sales charts. Meanwhile, Konami released Snake's Revenge on NES for NA and EU markets as a sequel. It doesn't have "Metal Gear" in the title, but you're fighting Big Boss and Metal Gears in game. Once again, Kojima and crew were uninvolved.

So while we didn't get actual ports of the original MSX games until the PS2, the IP was known, even if only as an NES thing.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

I launched Beyond Two Souls and got a "saved data corruption" error. there was 2 option, try again and create new save data. I clicked "try again" twice to no avail. So I tried the create new data. I thought its one of those option where it rebuilds/fixes the corrupted data. Nope, deletes it completely and start from zero. I completed 22 chapters and left only with 2 chapters to complete the game.

I searched skipping chapters cheats, it does not seem to exist. I tried to find saved files online to load them on my ps3 but its "copy protected". Any ideas? I really don't want to play it from the start again, you can not really speed run the game. Its like having to read a book from the first page because you lost your bookmark.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by isiolia »

I doubt there's an official way to fix it, given that the (ideal) Sony way is probably resyncing the PS+ cloud save that you likely don't have.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

Well, I guess its not meant to be for me to finish this game. They made it in a way that if you lose your save you can not go back in any way. Auto-save should always create 2 save files, one is the older safe working one, and one is the new one. Not over write the old save file. This way you have a fallback.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by isiolia »

True. I did see other people have had that issue in the past when looking around. I think cloud saves do effectively serve that purpose, consoles just all seem to wall them off behind the paid service. Many PC games/platforms support doing so for free, though of course, you can probably swap in a save file on PC a lot easier anyway.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

The Intellivision is a really good system.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:The Intellivision is a really good system.


That system rules pretty hard. I am continually impressed by it.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

I am not a Metal Gear fan, but Kojima has certainly gained my respect. He made each part of the game series give you a different experience on the opposite of the "more of the same thing" methodology for game sequels. I don't feel like I am playing the same game again, each game is very distinguishable even by a screenshot.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

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