RPG Progress Report

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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by noiseredux »

strangenova wrote:
noiseredux wrote:I'm level 8 in Crystalis and just got myself a boat (and a dolphin). I"ve got 3 swords now. Things are going well and I'm highly impressed with this game.

So good, you playing it on the snk collection?

Indeed. Fantastic compilation.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by laurenhiya21 »

Currently I've been playing through Bravely Default. I've just started Chapter 2 and I'm having a good time so far. I'm a little bit worried about it being too grindy or really difficult later (I think the job system is a little too complex for me to fully take advantage of), but hopefully it doesn't get too bad. At least there will be plenty of help around if I get stuck haha.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by noiseredux »

I'm actually pretty far into Crystalis now. Managed to put a good chunk of time in over the weekend. I've now level 14 (I believe the cap is 16?), got four swords, and am running around the Dragon-whatever castle which is sort of boss rush. I got the Flight magic which actually kind of blew my mind. There are things in this game that I feel like really push the NES hardware. There are times that I'm impressed to see an RPG like this appearing pre-SNES. It's sort of like when we saw Link's Awakening running on GB, y'know?

Oh also, I stumbled upon a badass place to grind. The entrance cave thingy that's slightly northwest of Joel is a single shot with like 6 enemies that don't attack you (they poison you if you touch them, though). But it's easy pickings to just run through; kill all 6; leave; repeat. You get something like 1,000 pts XP just for that so you can boost a level pretty quickly. I might go run there now and just max myself out to 16 as I feel I'm nearing the end of the game.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Ack »


Inquisitor is a daunting challenge. This game is supposed to be 100+ hours long, similar in style to Divine Divinity, and offers up a lot of morally ambiguous and adult-themed content. I don't mean adult-themed in the way that GTA is. I mean I'm dealing with questions of morality, Heaven, and Hell, and the forces of evil are particularly nasty, violent, and cruel. Case in point, I came across the location of a Satanic ritual at one point; the ground is scorched with a pentagram, and there is a decomposing corpse used as some sort of vessel at the site. Upon speaking with a young boy hiding nearby, the corpse had been used as a doorway to allow a demon to come through. Lovely stuff.

The other thing is that Inquisitor is supposedly quite hard, and, well, I haven't seen anything to disprove that yet. Getting poisoned will probably kill you unless you flee to town to get healed. Running out of stamina means you're likely to get creamed by whatever you're fighting. Weapons can break fairly often, bosses are tough fights or in some cases invincible unless you do certain actions, certain spells seem to be required unless you want your party obliterated, and enemies are plentiful. Plus you can easily piss off some of the NPCs so they don't want to talk to you, which can seriously foul up quest progression. So yeah, good times.

I've chosen to play as a Paladin, because I like to run up and hit things. People on the Internet seem to think this is a bad idea because I have to go toe to toe with all manner of demons and hellspawn. I happen to like going toe to toe, so those worms can go be whelps somewhere else. I ain't got time for their weaksauce. While it takes some getting used to melee, mainly because I have to worry about stamina, I take the first quest to kill a bunch of bats as a means to learn about combat. It's pretty straight forward; I walk up and hit things.

Once I get into town, I discover a bunch of quests and learn the main paladin in town has been accused of heresy and witchcraft. I don't trust the bishop I'm working for though. He seems too eager to attack someone whom everyone else seems to think highly of. He also seems to be the only person in town who likes a missing noblewoman. I'm smelling a bullshit conspiracy.

I also get info on local legends and quests. Gotta find a boy, find out about a bishop who disappeared, check to see if the previous bishop might be an undead pedophile, find a stolen book, yadda yadda yadda. There's a rock full of angry souls, a tree full of angry souls, a rock full of treasure, and so on. A guy tried to kill me too. I led him into a squad of town soldiers training in a field nearby. Sometimes it pays to fight smarter.

Now I'm traipsing around the countryside with a dog and a mercenary whose name I cleared of a murder he didn't do. I'm messing up hellspawn every chance I get, and I've got plenty more to kill. I will spend the next two levels building up my magic though; I need to use the levitate spell in a couple of caves.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Markies »

noiseredux wrote:I'm actually pretty far into Crystalis now. Managed to put a good chunk of time in over the weekend. I've now level 14 (I believe the cap is 16?), got four swords, and am running around the Dragon-whatever castle which is sort of boss rush. I got the Flight magic which actually kind of blew my mind. There are things in this game that I feel like really push the NES hardware. There are times that I'm impressed to see an RPG like this appearing pre-SNES. It's sort of like when we saw Link's Awakening running on GB, y'know?

Oh also, I stumbled upon a badass place to grind. The entrance cave thingy that's slightly northwest of Joel is a single shot with like 6 enemies that don't attack you (they poison you if you touch them, though). But it's easy pickings to just run through; kill all 6; leave; repeat. You get something like 1,000 pts XP just for that so you can boost a level pretty quickly. I might go run there now and just max myself out to 16 as I feel I'm nearing the end of the game.

The Cap is 16 and it is best to get it. The final dungeon can be a grind and even the second to last one. But, the final boss is very easy and should be no easy. It's just getting to him.

Yep! Kill those turtles! That is the easiest place to grind. It would only take like 30 - 60 minutes to get those final two levels. Only should take a minute to kill them all. Yeah, I spent many of time in that dungeon especially near the second half of the game. It becomes impossible to kill every enemy, so just get in and out of the dungeon as fast as possible and then kill some turtles.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by noiseredux »

oh they're turtles? Ha. I thought they were jelly fish or something. I have a pretty brutal cold that's wiped out my energy, but I managed to just do that grinding to get up to lvl 16 last night before conking out.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Crystalis rules. I picked it up brand new as a kid, and I loved it. Still have my cart too! Glad to see you’re enjoying it, Noise.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by alienjesus »

It's been a while since I last posted, but after a short break, I was back onto Phantasy Star 2 yesterday.


So, I picked back up just outside the Climatrol dungeon. My party jumped underwater and went on an adventure through the dungeon. I had to back out about half way through for health, but my second attempt lead me to the end and the games first boss, a mere 15 hours or so in...

Anyhow, the boss was called Neifirst and was a clone/twin/plot device who was evil and who Nei had seperated from. She apparently was mad at people for abandoning her as a failed experiment and so made all the monsters in the game. Then she had a fight with Nei which Nei lost almost immediately and died, permanently. After that, my other 3 party members took her on and won without difficulty. It was nice to a see a little bit of care had been put into this section, with big full screen images for a few story moments, but it's a shame none of this care was put into other story beats. Anyway, after a visit back to town we were told that Nei couldnt be revived because she is a monster, despite it working up to that point. Stupid contrivances to keep emotional weight ftw.

Anyway, apparently when Neifirst died the climatrol facility went nutzo and blew up, flooding the centre of the planet. We need to open the dams to let the lake drain, but security forces are blaming us for the incident so they've sent security robots after us. What this means is 'all of those monsters in the overworld have gone and been replaced by robots'. Speaking of replacements, I added Anna to my part to replace Nei, and we took to the dams.

But first, I had to go through the dungeon which contained the keys to the dams. This is the stupidest dungeon I have ever seen. Here - take a look at the map: The ground floor has 69 entrances and exits to other areas, and I do not think that is nice: http://www.phantasy-star.net/psii/maps/mapscontroltower.html. At the end of the dungeon is a piano you need to play. At first I thought you did this by interacting with it (as you might expect) but no, apparently this KICKS YOU OUT OF THE DUNGEON MAKING YOU FIGURE OUT ALL THOSE WARPS AGAIN. The second time, I used a spell to play the Piano instead, and got the keys to the dams.

So far I've journeyed through 3 of the 4 dams, and I've saved in the entrance to the final one, which is the green one. I'm assuming I'll be going into space or something soon, because at this point I've been everywhere on this world map there is to go. Gonna try and power through more dungeons tonight.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by prfsnl_gmr »


Well...at least you got some grinding done...PSII is just no fun at all. I was lucky enough to find a dog-eared strategy guide at a thrift store when I was about halfway through the game. I’m not sure I would have made it through the game without it.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by ConsoleHandheldGamer »

I've been slowly making my way through Etrian Odyssey 3. Currently on the 4th floor of the 5th stratum. These floors can get so annoying, although I remember getting more annoyed while playing EO4. My party is Gladiator/Arbalist (using clubs, has Yagrush, the second best club), Hoplite/Ninja (using spears), Buccaneer/Gladiator (has the Jolly Roger rapier), Princess/Monk (really good healing), Zodiac/Arbalist (her subclass is kinda random just for the extra points).

I've been enjoying it so far. Everyone is somewhere in the level 50s. I'm going for the Amoroad ending, and at some point I want to do the 6th stratum and then the two other endings.
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