Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by pierrot »

I don't necessarily want to derail this thread, but there's a premise to it that's been kind of relevant to me lately, and it's somewhat encapsulated by this quote:

dsheinem wrote:I dunno, we have these "generational differences" debates in higher ed all the time and the more I have had them the more I am inclined think the generational categorizations are more of an obstacle to understanding differences, trends, etc. than a help.

I've been dealing with a Gen X-er in a position of authority lately--I don't do well with authority--who seems to enjoy dumping on 'my generation,' and no amount of me saying that I remember the nineties, when Boomers were always trashing Gen X-ers, would make him see that he is only representing the latest incarnation of the generation that he holds a grudge against, and the generation that that generation holds a grudge against; so on, and so forth. I also still basically look 20 years old, so I have the unique privilege of experiencing some of the worst of the generational prejudice, but it's not like it's something new. This is just apparently one of those times, like the mid-nineties, where beating up on the younger generation is fashionable. I was reading recently that the segment of Americans in their 40s and 50s (typically a peak earning period in people's careers) are more disgruntled about their finances than that age group has been in the past. Potentially due in part to significantly more people, who are past retirement age, holding on to many of the highest earning positions. It could be a bit of a stretch to tie that financial stress to the increased vocalization of discontent with Millennials, but I'm going to do it.

Anyway, I was born in early '88, and raised by Boomers. I grew up around a lot of people in their 50s and 60s. I might say that I identify with a number of those marketing teacher/Quora descriptions of both generations. They still read like descriptions of astrological sun-signs to me, though. So people will pick and choose the descriptors they feel drawn to, and there's no harm in any of them being wrong--or is there? They might have some basis in studies, but that doesn't mean there's enough rigor to elevate them well above fortune telling.

Even though I don't really fit into this discussion, in an effort to keep the thread somewhat on course: Why do I still play video games? Because I'll be damned if anyone tells me how I have to live my life. Didn't work when I was six. Doesn't work now. Won't work when/if ever I'm 60. If I ever stop playing video games, cold, it will surely be because I'm dead--or because I just don't like them anymore, but I'm willing to bet that would at least put me close to death.

Now that I've drawn a pall over the discussion:

I'm sorry. :(
I'll let myself out.
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by Exhuminator »

The point of this thread is not "choose what generation you belong to" or "this generation is better than that generation" or "generations are real things that matter because of cultural personality tropes".

The point is rather; "People who were born during this cited bracket of time, will have opinions on gaming which were garnered over fundamental eras of the medium, which I am interested in hearing said opinions concerning particular questions." And it is in that regard that I specifically asked not to hear the opinions of twenty somethings. The reason is not "you punk kids don't know nothin'", but rather "you weren't alive to experience the same shift in gaming culture that thirty+ somethings did", and furthermore "you haven't experienced the psychological/philosophical changes that the thirties+ bring versus the twenties, and how those psychological/philosophical changes correlate with life VS gaming".

So please understand this thread is not meant to be exclusionary, but rather inclusive of a particular subset of experience and knowledge.

In no way shape form or whatever was I ever implying Gen X > Millennials.
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by Segata »

Sorry Exum, my fault I started the trend. Wasn't my intention. :?
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by marurun »

Exhuminator wrote:The point is rather; [i]"People who were born during this cited bracket of time, will have opinions on gaming which were garnered over fundamental eras of the medium, which I am interested in hearing said opinions concerning particular questions....So please understand this thread is not meant to be exclusionary, but rather inclusive of a particular subset of experience and knowledge.

Thank you for clarifying this for us. I think that helps us better appreciate what you're getting at.
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by Anayo »

(Disclaimer: I was born in 1990 and am currently single with no children. I grew up playing Sega Genesis when everyone had Playstation because the latest and greatest games were too expensive for Mom and Dad to buy them for me. This left me with a sense of nostalgia about 5 years behind what it should be. I don’t belong to Gen-X, so I won’t answer OP’s questions, but I do think I have something worthwhile to add:)

Recently I undertook an interesting project. I went onto and downloaded every last one of their video game commercials. Then I categorized them by year and tried to watch them all chronologically. A few interesting patterns emerged for me:

During the Atari era games were advertised as something the whole entire family could enjoy. Apparently they took their cues from board games, since video games were an unprecedented concept. All members of the family of all ages and genders are shown enjoying games together. It smacks of an almost “Leave it to Beaver” esque wholesomeness.

Around the Nintendo era games are advertised as something for grade school age boys. This trend continues into the Sega Genesis era, when the advertising enters a balls-to-the-wall contest to be as obnoxious as possible. Parents are portrayed as out of touch and the game playing kids are “hip” and “with it”. By the early 2000’s, the snarkiness begins to tone down a little. It’s still there (the 2000 “Hey You Pikachu” ad takes a “mom doesn’t get it” angle) but it’s less obnoxious (like the 1993 ad that goes, “SEGA SEE-DEEEEEE. WHACHA GONNA DO, WAIT FOR NINTENDO TO MAKE ONE?!?!)

By the two-thousand-teens game commercials are pretty slick and professional looking, with well dressed, ethnically diverse people enjoying games together. I think the 2017 Nintendo Switch ads owe their approach to the 2008 “we would like to play” ad for the Nintendo Wii, where a couple of Japanese businessmen go door to door like video game Jehova’s Witnesses. The 2016 trailer for Ubisoft’s “The Division” and the upcoming “Anthem” game seem to take a similar approach (albeit with pretty hokey corporate actors going through the motions of voice chat over an online game).

It appears to me the advertising tactics have come full circle. E.g.:

1981: Fun for the whole family!
1993: Mom and Dad aren’t COOL enough to understand games!
2017: Fun for the whole family!

Maybe this means games will continue to become more mainstream as time goes on.
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by Gunstar Green »


It sure did take them a while to be fair. :lol:

Anayo wrote:Maybe this means games will continue to become more mainstream as time goes on.

I think it's the same cycle all new media goes through really. It tries to appeal to everyone, ends up appealing to the youth who aren't stuck in their ways, eventually they get older so society is more accepting of it. I'd argue games are already at this point even if they're not as respected overall.
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by Sarge »

Interestingly, even though I'm 38, I got the NES rather late. I was 11 when I finally got one, and ran behind on pretty much all systems right up until the Dreamcast. I bought that one from a friend, and of course it didn't last that long to begin with, and the PS2 I got about two years after launch (with Suikoden III). The GBA was probably the first system I got within the launch week.
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by pook99 »

Why do you think you've remained interested in gaming even into middle age?

Video games have been the one constant in my life, as a kid I spent hours playing with friends and my brother, when my mom died at a young age video games were the way I dealt with harsh realities of life, as a college student my job at Funcoland kept videogames a very large part of my life as I spent hours gaming with my friends, both in and out of work. When I left funcoland to become a teacher video games were a great way to relate to the kids and show a new generation the wonder of retro games. Now I am a 38 year old middle school principal and still gaming as much as ever, I can't say for sure why I am still such a hardcore gamer but it is the one hobby that I never wanted to stop or slow down on.

Why do you think most Gen X'ers stopped gaming over time?

Controlling wives, all of my friends who stopped gaming did so because crazy wives made them. The ones who did not fall into this trap still game.

What do you value about video games, that you can't find in common adult hobbies such as binging television series, playing golf, watching sports, social media, or fishing/hunting?

Interactivity, you get far more involved in gaming than you do watching/reading anything. Fishing/hunting is just cruel and golf is just boring. There is simply no medium on the planet that transports you into their world, while also challenging you to complete their stories the way games do.

Do you ever start to feel guilty about wasting time, when you're playing video games for hours long stretches?

Never in my life, I don't feel it is a waste to do something I love as much as gaming.

If you have common adult responsibilities like a full time career, taking care of a property (house/yard/automobiles), maintaining a marriage, raising kids, walking dogs, etc. how do you manage your time for playing video games?

I had a good friend ask me this same question once, my reply was simply, you know all those shows you watch? During that time I am gaming. Fact is everyone has free time, no matter how busy people pretend they are, I choose to spend mine playing video games.

If you could go back in time, and show yourself as a kid some sort of gaming media/hardware from today, what would it be?

My emulator filled laptop, when I was young I used to dream about having a magical system that was portable and could play any game from any system. I never imagined it would actually exist.

Do you think you'll still be gaming into retirement age? Or do you see yourself ever losing interest in this hobby?

As long as my eyes, brains, and hands work I will game. I'm 38 years old, been gaming for 33 of those years, I love everything about hobby and love gaming as much now as I ever have.
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by Exhuminator »

I hope you stick around pook99, we need more members like you.
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Re: Questions for fellow Generation X gamers.

Post by pook99 »

Exhuminator wrote:I hope you stick around pook99, we need more members like you.

Thank you for the warm welcome
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