Markies wrote:and then eventually Symphony of the Night
You haven't played Symphony yet?!
You are in for a seriously great time.
Markies wrote:and then eventually Symphony of the Night
Damm64 wrote:I had a huge itch for classic resident evil and for some reason marathoned 1,2,3 and survivor (first playthrough) backwards... started with survivor then went to 3, 2 and 1. Kinda cool to see a series de-evolve
Survivor was a... interesting experience to say the least. I gave it two playthroughs since is so short and the first one i was thinking "this isn't so bad, it is a bit clunky but all resi games are like that" as long as you use the auto aim with L1 and run away from some enemies youll be great... then there's the final boss... this is the worst part of the game the final tyrant has two forms and the 2nd form is a freaking bullet sponge it survives 18 magnum shots, and about 16 grenade rounds and 8 shotgun shots and i still NEED IT to kill with the regular ass handgun. And thats all the ammo i could get AFTER killing the first form with only the handgun.
Resi 3 still kinda stands as my least favorite in the main series but is still fun. I just really hate nemesis on a clean playthrough since hes so ANNOYING! He's a walking piñata that gives free presents each time you kill it but fighting him is a pain in the ass... maybe because i suck at the dodge thing and i can never get it right.
Resi 2 the first game i saw in the franchise when i was 12 back in 2004 (yes we got consoles very late... and it wasn't even mine it was my cousin's). I watched my cousin play the start of Claire A scenario and get mutilated by zombies after 3 minutes... literally couldn't sleep on the whole night... and now is one of my favorite games ever and can play it at 2 A.M alone. I dont know why that feels good somehow.
Resi 1 just for the sake of it i played through the dualshock version... and the soundtrack really sucks. I though that just the basement music and one or maybe two more tunes were bad but honestly the whole soundtrack of this version is either awful or out of place. There's things like the save room theme that are ok but the rest are either awful, out of place and some would be ok but sound kinda off. Played through Jill's scenario and boy i forgot how easy it was 40 minutes into the game and you're already a walking arsenal, i still remember doing my first playthough with Chris and suffering really bad for it... well at least easy in comparison with Chris.
CV wrote:Code: Veronica was developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 in collaboration with Nextech and Sega.[4][5][6] Project supervisor Yoshiki Okamoto officially announced the game for Sega's Dreamcast console on October 6, 1998.[4][7] Although Code: Veronica was described by its developers as the genuine sequel to Resident Evil 2, it is not a numbered entry in the Resident Evil series.[7][8] Okamoto explained this decision with the team's intention to use numbers for games on the PlayStation, and names on other video game systems.[8] Code: Veronica was originally planned to be published in April 1999, but was postponed to the end of the year.[7][9] It was eventually released in Japan on February 3, 2000.[10] The Japanese version of Code: Veronica contained two difficulty settings ("Easy" and "Very Easy") in addition to the default "Normal" setting found in the American and PAL versions of the game. "Very Easy" starts the player off with an unlimited supply of ink ribbons in the inventory and a variety of weaponries plus ammunition in the chests. There were two versions of the original Dreamcast release in Japan: a standard edition and a limited edition. The limited edition came packaged with a red slipcase and features a different title screen, with Wesker's face visible on the background.
RE3 wrote:The game was developed in tandem with the Dreamcast version of Resident Evil Code: Veronica and was originally referred to as Biohazard 1.9 due to its setting between the first two Resident Evil games, although the codename Biohazard 1.5 was also used.[7][8][14] Although Code: Veronica takes place after Resident Evil 2, Okamoto explained that Capcom wanted Nemesis to be the third numbered game in the series to keep the titles of the PlayStation games consistent.[7] Development of the game began with a team of 20 people. However, as the game was getting closer to its release date, the development team gradually increased to between 40 and 50 staff members.[15][16] Unlike Resident Evil 2, which features two discs with two different protagonists, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is a single-CD game that centers mainly on Jill Valentine.[7] Capcom chose Jill as the protagonist of the game because she was "the only suitable character remaining", noting that Resident Evil protagonists Claire Redfield and Chris Redfield were previously chosen for Code: Veronica.[9]
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.
Exhuminator wrote:Markies wrote:and then eventually Symphony of the Night
You haven't played Symphony yet?!
You are in for a seriously great time.
Markies wrote:I have fairly high expectations for that game. And I fully believe it will meet them.
Markies wrote:The only Castlevania game I grew up with as a kid was the first one, so all of this is very new to me. And since I love to play series' in chronological order, I haven't gotten that far yet.
But, yes, that is the game I am MOST looking forward to playing. That is the game that got me interested in playing through the Castlevania series.