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Post by fastbilly1 »

Does anyone have one?

Its alittle out of my impulse buy range, and I cant convince noise to be my guinea pig, but I am super interested. It is pretty much an second gen compute stick - Atom 8700, 4gigs of ram, 64gigs of ssd, and a microsd slot, in a DSiXL case, with a keyboard and two joysticks.

There are some impressive videos of what it can do on youtube:
Running GTA 5 with super tweaked settings

But I am curious to its emulation viability. We all know it can run up to 5th gen fine, and yes it can run Dolphin for some Gamecube:
Paper Mario Thousand Year Door:
And some Wii:
Aswell as some PS2 games:

But I have yet to find someone who has used deeply configured emulators to make the games look better. Id love to see how it runs PSX/N64 games with AA and AF. Or even a demanding PS2 game like Gran Turismo 4 or ZOE 2. I have searched for gaming on that Atom chip, but cannot find anyone who has done any of the more advance emulation.

All that said, I know I will be buying one in the future. A portable that plays up to 6th gen games with little issue, aswell as pc games is a bit too much to pass on. And you can use Bluetooth controllers or something like the Blissbox with it. If you want an arcade stick or to try multiplayer.
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Re: GPD Win

Post by noiseredux »

fastbilly1 wrote:Does anyone have one?

Its alittle out of my impulse buy range, and I cant convince noise to be my guinea pig, but I am super interested.

it looks very cool, but yeah out of my price range to "just try it," and I've yet to see any solid reviews that I trust.

I'm also still struggling to determine if my own habits will merit such a purchase (that goes for the Smach Zero as well). I've got a Windows tablet that I could use to play some low end PC games on, but I feel like 9 times out of 10, I don't. I just end up playing them on PC.

Makes me wonder if I should just stick with my Android tablet for portable games. The big one (for me) that Android is missing right now is Duelyst, but they have announced that they're working on it in a recent newsletter.
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Re: GPD Win

Post by Exhuminator »

I thought about getting one, but for me personally my Droid Turbo 2 runs every 5th gen (and back) emulator I've tried on it extremely well. So I'm talking playing stuff from PS1-NES on the go. Granted its a touch screen, but that's perfectly fine for turn based RPGs, strategy, and adventure games (good stuff for portable playing IMO).

Now if you are primarily interested in action games on the go, the GPD can be fantastic for that. But I'm talking about the Droid based GPD, which I've read tons of positive reviews for from all over the internet.

Amazon reviews for the Win GPD version are kinda iffy: ... B01MFB2V89

And I see the Win version selling from $350-450... I guess the price value perception there is going to vary from person to person. I think it's a tad high.
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