What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by Fragems »

I have a weird eye problem after reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows in a single sitting when I was younger I strained my eyes so badly that I blew a vein in my left eyelid. So now I have a cyst that swells when I strain my eyes to much and slowly causes double vision which my left eye gradually tries to compensate for as it gets worse :P. I have prescription glasses that are supposed to help me strain my eyes less, but I haven't worn them in years since they really don't do diddly squat for me. Luckily the double vision goes away pretty quickly and really doesn't start coming into effect unless I get my blood pressure up and/or say read something for 4+ hours straight.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by KalessinDB »

noiseredux wrote:How awful was it? My vision is terrible but eyes freak me out. I can't even do contacts.

If they could knock you out to do it I would have done it years ago

Eyes freak me the living hell out too, I couldn't do contacts either. I'm not even thrilled about the millions of eyedrops I'm using TBH (though I'm quickly getting better at them)

That being said - it was easy. They give you the valium if requested (though they gave it to me about 3 minutes before the procedure so I don't think it did squat) and they do a million numbing drops. They tell you exactly what to expect (including some crazy pressure at one point, and the fact that you will lose your vision temporarily at one point) and tell you that your only job is to watch a blinking light and be as still as possible. The doctor talked to me through the whole thing and it was over in less than 20 minutes total for both eyes.

Worst part really was my way of staying still (and not freaking out) was to clench my jaw pretty hard, so I gave myself a wicked headache.

All that being said, I now join the chorus of people I talked to before getting it done myself: If you have even the slightest inkling that you'd want to do it, go get it done. I'm 2 days in and I'm already loving life. I showered today and it was probably the first time ever that I could see clearly in the shower (I've had glasses since I was maybe 8? And I can't remember when I switched from baths to showers, but it can't be significantly before that)

Exhuminator wrote:I have ridiculously bad vision, and I wear glasses that would likely rip a normal person's eyes right out of their skull. I have considered getting LASIK before, but there are a few things I keep reading about it that sway me away each time. Such as it's not a forever fix, and eventually your eyes start going bad again. Some people end up with permanent halos that they see around bright lights in dim lighting. If the flaps heal up offset, you can end up with irregular astigmatism causing diplopia. There's a laundry list of potential bad stuff, but granted most of it has only <1% possibility of happening.

What I really hate are floaters. I've got a lot of floaters.

Indeed, and I read a lot of the same stuff. Go to a guy who has a lot of experience (my guy has done over 20 thousand procedures and never had a serious issue) and it minimizes the risk in my eyes at least. As to the "not a forever fix" -- it is and it isn't. It's a forever fix, but most people need reading glasses as they age, with or without LASIK. If you didn't need glasses before, you'd likely need reading glasses as you age. If you had glasses before, you'd likely need bifocals as you age. LASIK isn't gonna change that, but it's gonna make day to day issues with distance sight (where you do most of your seeing) much better. And as to the halos -- I had them when I had glasses, so worst case scenario they're still around, but apparently these days (as opposed to 15-20 years ago when it was first coming out) they tend to be minimized or completely removed
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by noiseredux »

your description of "crazy pressure" and going temporarily blind is giving me shortness of breath just thinking about it. Seriously. It is something I do think about from time to time, but it really does horrify me.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

I have a super-high prescription. I never did well with contacts. Wore them through middle/high school as I played three sports per year but never felt 100% comfortable with them. Or even 50% comfortable.

Turns out the issues I have - dryness, allergies, etc - also prevent me from getting LASIK. I'm okay with that though. My wife is an eye doc and can now get me glasses with a high prescription but with super-thin lenses, which is pretty swell.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

So I went to the doctor yesterday. Got my Zoloft dose upped for the third time in six months. Six months ago, I was taking 25 mg per day which worked flawlessly for me for almost ten years. Now I'm taking 100 mg. 75 mg was mostly getting me where I should be emotionally, but my doctor felt that going to 100 mg and seeing how I feel in a month was a good course of action. Hopefully I'll actually be happy again instead of just apathetic.

It's a shame so few people realize that mental health issues can be just as crippling as physical health issues.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by Fragems »

noiseredux wrote:your description of "crazy pressure" and going temporarily blind is giving me shortness of breath just thinking about it. Seriously. It is something I do think about from time to time, but it really does horrify me.

All I can think of is Dead Space 2 :lol: .

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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by MrPopo »

The other day I was cooking and had minced a Serrano pepper, then I didn't fully clean off my hands and touched my eye. I ended up holding my lids open and dabbing at the spot with a tissue to get the oil off.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by emwearz »

I have been watching a local artist who I met a few months ago, live stream a painting, it is now 4:30am and it is oddly addictive.

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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by REPO Man »

:D The new SEGA Mega Drive Classics Hub is up on Steam, with the ability to play ROM hacks. Oh and there's a new UI based on a bedroom or whatever. IDGAF about that.

:( Only have 2 Genesis titles on Steam (Gunstar Heroes and Golden Axe) and the only hack I could try out was Pyron's GA hack that fixed the colors and that gave me a red screen.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by RyaNtheSlayA »

Feeling like you're being left behind by your friends is one of the worst feelings.

I guess it's inevitable - I'm a good two-three years behind most of them in education and "career" (if you can call waiting tables a career) and most of them were/are at far more prestigious schools with much better opportunities than those I have access to. I can't afford to eat out at the places they like to go. Can't do the things they do because I don't have the time. I feel left out of conversations because I don't necessarily have the basis of knowledge they do on a lot of subjects.

I don't know why they bother including me still.

I just needed to vent a bit about that.
I'm still not sure whether I'm a kid or a squid now.