Games Beaten 2016

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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Ack »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:How did Tecmo go from Radia Senki to Secret of the Stars?! That's what I wanna know.

Gotta let your second string in the game some time, you know?
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Sarge »

I've almost got money on Secret of the Stars being an NES RPG that got up-ported. It might have even been one hanging around in their archive for a while. I'd be fascinated to learn the development history on it.

I also have a strange desire to play through it, even with what I know now. Weird how that works sometimes.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

It's terrible and far too slow and tedious to be funny-bad. Good luck.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Exhuminator »

Sarge has a magic power that allows him to enjoy nearly any game, regardless of how bad it actually is. If you listen carefully at night, sometimes you can even hear him shout; "Silver Lining Super Find Go!"
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Sarge »

That's not entirely true... but I do tend to find positives where others might not. It might not be fun, but it takes a lot for me to deem a game truly terrible. And in my defense, Secret of the Stars has always gone relatively well for me until the points where I have to do constant party switching. It's an interesting idea in concept, but executed poorly and just slows everything to a crawl. The rest just seems like your bog-standard Dragon Quest clone.

I also played through Star Odyssey. Nothing to see here, move along...

EDIT: I honestly think the fascination comes from a time where I didn't have many games and glommed on to every SNES RPG I could get my hands on. I'm only missing a couple, honestly. I mean, I bought Inindo. (Although I remember reading one review that actually praised it quite a bit. Brother from another mother?)

Also, after playing Last Action Hero for NES, I will say that it is a putrid game. The SNES version is even worse, though.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

In the scheme of the entire game (which is way too long) the adults are deadbeats that rarely contribute. The party system was really poorly implemented, which just scratches the surface of the game's issues.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Xeogred »

1. Sly 2 Band of Thieves HD (PS3)

Sucker Punch is cool stuff. It's funny though that both Sly 1 and Infamous are highly stylized games, with really good world building, and fairly dark. Even Sly 1 compared to your normal platformer, it felt like a Don Ruth film or something... All Dogs Go to Heaven, with this cartoony world that was grim and slimey. Really love when things pan out with such a cool contrast. But then Infamous 2 comes around and seemed to ditch a lot of the cool stylized approach that the first game had, and while the gameplay improvements were nice and them expanding on the moral choices were done well, I don't know if it left as much of an impression. Sly 2 seems to be the same kind of deal. I'm not sure how or where it went, but that cool grimdark vibe the first game had just isn't there, and the story wasn't nearly as interesting. Just kind of felt like the Cooper Gang doing some random stuff in their day to day life. So I'm not sure which I prefer.

Definitely had its quirky moments, namely with a few tank gimmicks with insanely bad control schemes, and some bad trial and error design at times. But that's kind of expected from that gen and some platformers. The game overstayed its welcome a bit too, damn this platformer is very long. Probably comes close to the 15-20 hour mark. Which is a bit much for a platformer to me. The music didn't do much either.

My favorite world was I think episode 6, which was this snowy area that looked and felt like it was straight out of Borderlands haha. Even had some awesome western tang music going here that was cool.

Overall, still very fun and I'd call myself a fan. I love the Cooper Gang and Carmelita, great characters and a cool enough world, just kind of disappointed to see that Sly 2 somehow felt a bit more generic in that department. Some of the episodes were even copy/paste and like an extension of an area from the previous episode. So the level variety wasn't much. I'm definitely looking forward to the next two, but I'll take another break.

I still need to tackle Jak 2-3, which I'm not very excited about at all. I thought the first game was pretty lame too honestly. Sly 1-2 definitely destroy this series to me, but I still have to say Ratchet & Clank may be the PS2 platformer king! Even though that first game is very rough and bad in a lot of ways too haha... I'd easily take Sly 1-2 over R&C1. But from Going Commando and on I absolutely love the Ratchet games. Stoked for the new one this year and even the movie haha.

It's been an interesting ride since I didn't play any of these back on the PS2. So the HD collections are my first exposure to all of them. I can confidently recommend the Sly series and Ratchet & Clank if you missed out on them like I did.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

Xeogred wrote:1. Sly 2 Band of Thieves HD (PS3)

Sucker Punch is cool stuff. It's funny though that both Sly 1 and Infamous are highly stylized games, with really good world building, and fairly dark. Even Sly 1 compared to your normal platformer, it felt like a Don Ruth film or something... All Dogs Go to Heaven, with this cartoony world that was grim and slimey. Really love when things pan out with such a cool contrast. But then Infamous 2 comes around and seemed to ditch a lot of the cool stylized approach that the first game had, and while the gameplay improvements were nice and them expanding on the moral choices were done well, I don't know if it left as much of an impression.

The evil ending to Infamous 2 wasn't dark enough? That was some seriously depressing shit for me, even only watching it and not playing it. The good ending for that game is still one of my favorite endings of any game ever. I love that game to death.

I really enjoyed Sly 1, but Sly 2 always just turns me off. I guess I just really prefer the purely stage designed approach to that game, because I always just get super bored very fast whenever I try to get through Sly 2. I'll really have to pick up the R&C trilogy if I can ever find it though. Only tried one of them briefly, but it was a great fun romp, breaking tons of stuff and turning things into ducks! Now I just gotta find the R&C trilogy, because the only one I can seem to find is the Killzone Trilogy XP
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Xeogred »

PartridgeSenpai wrote:
Xeogred wrote:1. Sly 2 Band of Thieves HD (PS3)

Sucker Punch is cool stuff. It's funny though that both Sly 1 and Infamous are highly stylized games, with really good world building, and fairly dark. Even Sly 1 compared to your normal platformer, it felt like a Don Ruth film or something... All Dogs Go to Heaven, with this cartoony world that was grim and slimey. Really love when things pan out with such a cool contrast. But then Infamous 2 comes around and seemed to ditch a lot of the cool stylized approach that the first game had, and while the gameplay improvements were nice and them expanding on the moral choices were done well, I don't know if it left as much of an impression.

The evil ending to Infamous 2 wasn't dark enough? That was some seriously depressing shit for me, even only watching it and not playing it. The good ending for that game is still one of my favorite endings of any game ever. I love that game to death.

I really enjoyed Sly 1, but Sly 2 always just turns me off. I guess I just really prefer the purely stage designed approach to that game, because I always just get super bored very fast whenever I try to get through Sly 2. I'll really have to pick up the R&C trilogy if I can ever find it though. Only tried one of them briefly, but it was a great fun romp, breaking tons of stuff and turning things into ducks! Now I just gotta find the R&C trilogy, because the only one I can seem to find is the Killzone Trilogy XP

Yeah... that bad ending was super evil stuff. I won't deny that. The stuff with Cole and his friend, and the main girl was all great, but otherwise I guess I was just more invested in the story and world in the first game a bit more. But that's not to say anything was bad in 2.

I'm more for the linear approach myself for platformers, so yeah the more open world design for the episodes was a little hit or miss. Pretty different from the first game. R&C tends to have a few paths per level, for 2-3 missions a planet or something like that, but yeah nothing quite like Sly 2 here where each episode/world had 10 or so missions.

Overall though, I really like the feel to the Sly games, the controls and actual platforming. I thought it was interesting how I played Infamous first, then went to Sly 1 HD, and the way the controls and climbing/platforming worked felt very similar haha. Maybe there's some engine similarities being the same devs, or something. Apparently some people rag on these games because of the controls, but I think they're fantastic and have aged pretty gracefully.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Markies »

1. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (GameCube)
2. Max Payne (XBOX)

Tonight, I beat Max Payne on the XBOX.

I really enjoyed this game. It did become a bit too similar after a bit and the weird dream/drug levels were annoying. However, the story is phenomenal and has an amazing beginning. The setting is fantastic as I've always loved Noir type stories. The gun play and action sequences are done really well and I thoroughly enjoyed shooting the bad guys from the beginning to the end. I love the Rockstar touch with the decrepit city and the perverted backdrop. Weird and long in spots, but overall, I really enjoyed it.
Last edited by Markies on Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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