The Walking Dead tv series

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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Luke »

Gamerforlife wrote: I like Luke letting everyone see what kind of person he is

Not an idiot? I'm also cool with that.

So..Got your head examined yet? You are the one who recommend it after all.

Plus people already know who I am as I post many pics of myself on this forum. How about you? Want to let us know about your efforts, job, and face? Or will you continue to whine about how you loathe life and everything involved in it?

Boo hoo.
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Gamerforlife »

Luke wrote:
Gamerforlife wrote: I like Luke letting everyone see what kind of person he is

Not an idiot? I'm also cool with that.

So..Got your head examined yet? You are the one who recommend it after all.

Plus people already know who I am as I post many pics of myself on this forum. How about you? Want to let us know about your efforts, job, and face? Or will you continue to whine about how you loathe life and everything involved in it?

Boo hoo.

Not sure how my thoughts on this episode equal loathing life and everything involved in it. You have a really warped view of reality if someone not liking an episode of television suddenly wants to commit suicide. I can't really have a debate with someone making wild assumptions and being delusional about his self importance because he thinks his job makes him special.

Hurray for you, you're an elitist douche...want a cookie? Writing multiple paragraphs of smugness and condescension doesn't change the fact that most people hated this episode. So congrats on being in the minority with your worthless opinion, idiot.

I'm not sure how exactly you can hold any job with the kind of personality you have. I bet you play really well with others with your arrogance and attitude.

Frankly, any idiot could have written this episode...which is probably why you're so high on it. We've seen EVERYTHING in this episode done a thousand times in various shows and the wimpy character who is too soft for this world and eventually gets killed isn't exactly a new thing on this show either (Dale, Tyreese, etc.), but I guess you appreciate writing that essentially retreads the same territory over and over...what with you being such a literary genius and all. Most of us are sick of this Walking Dead trope...and hoped for something more interesting with Morgan, who was once one of the strongest characters on this show...and now is basically Tyreese, and probably the next black character to die on a show that seems to love killing them.

Everyone pretty much knew what this episode would be just based on the previews. They surprised no one with anything that was revealed here. If you think this is high art...then you're not very creative, which would explain your posts just devolving into insults, always the mark of someone who can carry on an intelligent debate with others. I can see why a hack would try so hard to impress us all on an internet forum. It's called over compensating.
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Seriously. Screw you Shao Kahn I'm gonna play Animal Crossing.
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by emwearz »

Luke wrote:
emwearz wrote:Still boring to watch, no matter how you spin it.

That's why a tag and payoff are so important. Boring can be good if it leads to a payoff.

I agree, but it felt like filler to me and I did not feel any payoff at the end of the episode, I am sure the next one will seem great, purely by comparison, but that is hardly a good thing.

Regardless, my opinion on the episode is it was fairly boring and it did not need an episode dedicated to it.

Can't we just say Luke enjoyed it, other did not. Move on, we are all entitled to our own opinion and calling each other stupid or that we are missing something does not help anyone.
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Luke »

Gamerforlife wrote:I'm not sure how exactly you can hold any job with the kind of personality you have.

1) I retired when I was in my early thirties, and live in a three story house that I've already paid off. No student debt either, even with a BA and an MBA. When I do work, it is as an consultant, and companies look for me, not the other way around. Not touting, but it's the happy truth.

2) Married to a gorgeous woman who teaches English to immigrants, while also integrating them into a knew place while also working overtime for not a penny. We also have lots of sexy time. When is the last time you had sexy time with an actual other person?

3) I spend most of my time volunteering for the arts, as well as a center for youth in need, the American Veterans Association, lecture at not only Universities but also surrounding community colleges, and also am an avid fundraiser for those with limb disabilities and am working with the VA to help children cope with Moms and Dads who come home who might be a bit "different".

4)You've never met me, so you know dick about my personality. Forum members who have met me think I am more than polite and "groovy".

5) What contributions have you made to this site besides being a whiny cunt? Hmm?

6) I have a stand up tour starting in April next year, where I'll perform in Chicago, Las Vegas, and California,.

So what have you been up to?
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Luke »

emwearz wrote:
I agree, but it felt like filler to me ..

It was filler, for sure. But great filler.

Great back story, and I think we can all agree that we all had that feeling of " what?" each and every minute. After the second arc most got the idea that "oh well, it's just a Morgan story".

But that's a good thing as the show relies on us caring about the characters. We don't want everyone to be disposable.

This show rarely (although sometimes very blatantly) does a swan song painted by the numbers. And when it does, it does it with grace, so every "boring" back story lets the audience remind them of what the loss of life, and that persons life was. It is a cycle of "Man, that sucks" but the only reason it sucks is that we like the people who perish (usually). It's not a show about people shooting zombies, it is a show about people.
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Jmustang1968 »

Hahaha, surprsed that horn isn't all worn out yet.
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Fragems »

One thing that bugged me is the wolf he has locked up. Even on the Talking Dead(which I usually never watch due to Chris Hardwick who for whatever reason gets on my nerves :P) the vote that it was probably going to result in someone getting killed or injured because of it was like 99%. I can give Morgan a pass for letting a few escape but trying to convert one is plain idiotic on so many levels.

Also Luke and Gamerforlife can you all please hit the ignore button on each others accounts if you can't play nice :P.
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Luke »

Fragems wrote:Also Luke and Gamerforlife can you all please hit the ignore button on each others accounts if you can't play nice :P.

Never! I'm a card carrying member of:


Really hoping that one day, one season, Rick & Co. visit a metropolis. Atlanta, at the beginning, obviously went bonkers, but they are so close to DC that it has to be inevitable for them to visit right? Especially with the false foreshadowing? Maybe?
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Pulsar_t »

Okay I don't know what personal properties or traits have to do with opinions about a show like TWD, but whatever guys.. :|
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Re: The Walking Dead tv series

Post by Fragems »

Also can someone clear this up for me did Rick take a bite to his hand an episode back? I didn't think he did but it was kind of hard to tell and a bunch of people seem to be assuming he did.

To me it looked like he nicked his hand and got some infected blood in it. Seeing as how they constantly touch the dead and end of getting covered in blood that didn't seem like a biggie to me. Hell I don't even get how they go about with the bites being fatal since everyone is infected already and it's just dead tissue it's not like they have venom or saliva half of them hardly even have a mouth at all in the first place :P. If anything chopping them up and getting sprayed with blood would be more dangerous, but then again we aren't going for 28 Days later style realism here I guess.
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