245. King of fighters 95(ps1)
246. Super Mario Land 2: 6 golden coins (game boy)
247. Power Blade 2 (nes)
248. Mega Man: Rock Force
Mega Man Rock Force is a fan game and is definitely worth playing for mega man fans.
The story starts with Mega Man assembling a team of robots that could fight should he ever fail in protecting the world, the team is made up of robot masters from a variety of different mega man games such as bomb man, cutsman, knight man, gyro man, and others. Dr. Light also creates a new robot names justice man who is meant to be just like mega man, in ability and morality. A new group of robot masters goes rogue and mega man sends his rock force to find them but they never return, it is now up to mega man to find and rescue his friends.
The game starts out like any other mega man game, you have an intro stage, and then you get to select the order in which you fight the 8 brand new robot masters. The hook to this game is when you defeat a level, you not only get a new robot masters ability, but you also get to unlock a member of the rock force to play as in future levels. Like in any mm game, every robot master is weak to some weapon, but they are also weak to one of the rock force members. The rock force members all have pretty unique abilities and feel differently than mega man, for example, dive man is really great underwater, tornado man jumps really high, flame man can dash around and so on. It is really cool being able to play through the game as these guys, of course mega man has all the abilities you would expect, charge shot, slide, and a growing arsenal of weapons.
The weapons in this game are decent, not the best in the series, not the worst, you have the standard leaf shield type weapon(the virus shield) the standard weapon that can shoot in 8 directions, and some other cool stuff. My favorite is the charade clone. This weapon produces an explosive clone of mega man that can ram into things and do big damage, but it is also really good to navigate tricky platofrm sections, basically create a clone of mega man and if it falls down a pit you dont lose a life, if you make it to the end of the section you can call the real mega man to your location which really helps when you dont feel confident in passing a tricky series of jumps.
The game is broken down into: 1 intro stage, 8 robot masters, 4 fusion masters that pop up when you defeat the original 8 bosses, 1 ultimate fusion master, and a final fortress with 3 really difficult stage. The fusion masters are a cool idea which actually give the game some replayability, depending on which boss you defeat last you get one of 2 sets of fusion masters which encourages a 2nd playthrough to see the 4 you did not see on your first run.
The level design is solid, each level is unique and the challenge is just right, it is definitely not an easy game, but it is not quite as difficult as Mega Man Unlimited or MM 9. The bosses are all very unique as well and really fun to fight and learn their patterns, the only boss and level I hated was virus man, when you get hit by certain enemies(and the boss) you get infected with a temporary virus that turns off your charge shot, your acquired weapons, and reverses your controls. The whole level and boss fight are just really not fun and the game would have been better off without him.
SImilar to MM9, this game has collectable bolts, a save feature, and a shop that lets you stock up on e-tanks and other helpful items. It foregoes the usual rush forms and just gives you the rush coil, but you also get access to Eddie who is summonable and really helpful as he randomnly drops e-tanks, and tango a buzzsaw type weapon that I never used but I probably should have.
Overall, Mega Man Rock Force is a very good game, it has everything a mega man fan would want, and is completely free to download and play. Well worth it for any mega man fan looking to play a new mega man game while they wait for 11 to release.