Games Beaten 2015

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by dsheinem »

So I was thinking of kicking off the alphabetical-by-year thing with a replay of Adventure...which is from 1979. Except, maybe it isn't from 1979.

This is one of the most fascinating, well-researched, and insane discussions of a release date I have ever read: ... ar-of.html

So, instead, I think I may go with Akalabeth...which also has a debatable on sale date but was certainly finished in 1979. It is something I haven't played, an important early game, and one that I don't have to dig out special hardware for. :D
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by noiseredux »

Thanks for the article link Dave - fascinating!
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by emwearz »

1. New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 3DS
2. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Wii U

Total Games for 2015: 2

New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 3DS
More of the same, solid platforming you have come to expect from the NSMB series. The "gold" gimick gold old pretty fast. I got 5 shiny stars (100%) on my profile, I did find this one a fair bit easier than the Wii U version.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Wii U
This game is just fun. They took the concept of Captain Toad from Super Mario 3D World and just ran with it. Again another 100% profile completion, I never found it all too hard, did not have to use a guide or anything once. The final level can be a bit frustrating but it took me less than 10 tries at it, rather than what felt like 100+ for the "final stages" in 3D World.

The game itself was a bit short and most of the time (other than the final level) on the easy side, but still just heaps of fun and packed with the good old Ninty charm.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Sload Soap »

First two for 2015.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 (360)
Classed as beat due to winning the club league, cup, Europa League, Champions League, World Cup and even the African Cup Of Nations.

It's been about five years since I owned a modern football game I actually enjoyed as opposed to put up with, but Pro 2015 is a real return to the form of the Pro Evo's of the mid-noughties, enhanced by Konami's FOX engine. It plays some damn good football and the master league mode chucks in elements of Football Manager games to make it close to gaming crack.

On the pitch, the game flows so well it can seem as if it's reading your thoughts, so precise is the control. There was one goal I scored where three delicate taps of the stick took the ball on the player's chest, took a step inside and shot. All one brilliant flowing move and all done with minimal effort.

The AI is improved too. Opponents will spot you runs or switch to counter attacking tactics if they notice you marauding forwards too often. They can also be clinical in opening up your own defensive line.

Annoyingly though, while the AI has been improved, the way difficulty is handled is still a bit naff, obviously forcing your players to be worse rather than make the other team play better. A champions league semi-final (always semi-finals, never finals) against say Real Madrid can become spectacle of formerly excellent players mislaying easy passes and shooting wide from clear chances. Frustrating and with the clear advances in opponent AI I wonder why it's even necessary anymore.

The other downer is that while some leagues and clubs are fully licensed others are not. There is an unfortunate lack of the German, Russian and American leagues while Manchester United (aka, scum) are the only licensed English team. Now I quite like changing all the names and kits myself but for everyone else, FIFA is the clear winner.

Anyway, I really loved this game and I imagine it will get a lot more play throughout the year. Football games are kind of like gaming comfort food for me. It might not ave the glitz and glamour of FIFA but it plays about ten times better. A proper football game for proper football fans.

Forza Horizon (360)
This is a weird one. I very, very much enjoyed Forza Horizon and the Forza series on the whole but there are a few aspects of the game, ones more about its production than its gameplay that irk me.

First and foremost though, this is a fantastic racing game. Sort of paradoxically it's more focused and streamlined a game than the mainline games despite its openworld structure. There's an obvious goal here (become the top racer at the Horizon festival) and that goal always seems attainable, unlike Forza's 1-4 and their monolithic requirements to get to the top.

Horizon is also a shorter game. The ingame counter clocked me at 20 hours altogether. For comparison after 20 hours in Forza 4 I had beat about 10% of the game. If Forza 4 is Final Fantasy XII then Horizon is VI a much tighter and engaging experience.

That doesn't mean to say Horizon rushes along at breakneck pace though, far from it. A lot of your time will be spent idly cruising along Colorado highways or down winding dirt tracks just soaking in the ambiance. Horizon can be a very relaxing game inbetween its bouts of tense racing action.

Sometimes it's almost, dare I say it, Outrun-esque.. Unlike the mainline Forza games, the spotlight is on driving as opposed to racing. A good example would be when you're browsing for a new car; in Forza 4 you're looking for a car that'll help you win. In Horizon you're looking for the car that is the most fun to drive.

The game is less about car porn side and more about the reasons behind why people love cars. It's a powerful mix combining Turn Ten's already genre leading game engine with a more open and inviting racing experience. It got its hooks in me that's for sure.

There are those niggles though. Firstly, it can feel like a jack of all trades, providing you with street, rallying, touring and circuit racing without any of them feeling truly distinct. I think the most glaring example of this was a mostly offroad race in which most of my opponents were driving extremely low profile Italian supercars. No. Just, no.

The game also has this annoyingly smug sense of self worth that only corporate mandated products can have. The titular Horizon festival is supposed to be this big counter culture melting pot but the way everyone acts and speaks shows they were written by guys in their 50's and the (mostly) terrible radio stations with their bland and inoffensive dance/rock music say otherwise.

Most annoyingly though you can sense the oily fingers of the Microsoft execs in the game design itself. There are spots called Outposts that allow free fast travel once you reach them BUT only if you complete a set of mini challenges first. The speed and photo challenges are a doodle but the trick challenges are among the trickiest parts of the game. So the hardest parts of the game are placed in the areas which should be there for player convenience. But guess what, for a low, low price (of real money) you can but the convenience of travelling back to places you've already visited from the xbox live marketplace. Yaaaaaaay. :roll:

I usually don't complain about this sort of stuff as it's mostly harmless. like paying to unlock all the kits and weapons in Battlefield or whatever. That's fine if you want to waste your money. It won't make you better at the game but it might improve your enjoyment while not impacting others. But here, this is a change to the way the game is actually played and I'm totally against that.

I feel bad for Turn Ten really. They are an obviously very talented bunch of developers but every time some slimey Microsoft exec wants to drop in microtransactions or parcel off a quarter of the cars as DLC they have to acquiesce to their demands.

As I said though, Horizon is above all an exceptional racing game. On the track it may not do one thing brilliantly well, but as an overall driving experience it can't be beat. This is enough to distract from a somewhat corporate feeling and some questionable difficult spikes.

While I'm here, I'd also like to note how good the PS3/360 generation was for racing games. Some really excellent titles across broad spectrum of racing types.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Omerta »

1. The Last of Us - PS3 - January 16
2. Lollipop Chainsaw - PS3 - January 19

An average brawler. The overall theme, banter, and mini-games keep it fresh. There were some pretty decent laugh out loud moments.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by CFFJR »

1.Alien Isolation - Xbox One
2.Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
3.Popful Mail - Sega CD
4.Final Fantasy - PSP
5.Super Mario 3D World - Wii U

Girlfriend and I have been playing this off and on for a couple of months. Finally beat it last night.

Its an exceptional game and I can't really gush about it anymore than everybody else already has. We loved it of course, and I really enjoyed the final boss, fun and unique.

We're in the Star World now and intend to continue playing the extra levels. Whenever we get around to it, naturally. :lol:
GameSack wrote:That's right, only Sega had the skill to make a proper Nintendo game.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Fragems »

1. Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition(PS4)
2. Infamous First Light(PS4)
3. Drakengard 3(PS3) *Endings 1-4. Ending 5 I watched online due to BS boss.
4. Infamous Second Son(PS4)
5. Thomas Was Alone(PS4)
6. Uncharted Drake's Fortune(PS3) *
7. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves(PS3) *

Finished it a few days back final boss was kind of disappointing this time around since the trick to beating him is basically running in circles :P. Now onwards to Uncharted 3 :).
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Stark »

dsheinem wrote::lol:

It would take you...
3877 continuous hours
161 days,13 hours,2 minutes
of gameplay to complete your Steam library

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by nullPointer »

The list so far ...
3. Richard and Alice (PC/Steam)

Richard and Alice
After playing through an undisputed classic like Link to the Past, it was time to flip the script and seek out something completely different and much less well known as a pallet cleanser. Richard and Alice strikes me as a hybrid mix of point & click adventure meets visual novel. Let's start out with the high points here. The story of Richard and Alice is absolutely compelling with a particular high note being the well written dialog between characters. The conversational segments in the game flow naturally and realistically. At no point did the dialog seem stilted or poorly written. This is a particularly notable feat when one considers the amount of dialog between Alice and her 5 (and a half!) year old son Barney. It's hard to write children's dialog between parent and child in such a way that it seems natural. Most novels can't get this sort of thing right, let alone the medium of video games. I think you almost have to be a parent yourself in order to effectively write this sort of dialog, and IMO Richard and Alice excels at it. Creating emotional connection between the player and the in game characters is critical to this games success, and thankfully it nails this part.

The game also presents itself as an interesting piece of sci-fi. The near future dystopia has been done to death for ages untold at this point, but Richard and Alice neatly avoids most of the typical tropes and clichés of this setting in that it never waves its world around in your face. The setting here merely serves as a backdrop for the unfolding human drama, but for the most part leaves the concrete dystopian details as part of that backdrop. It's a largely successful approach as it (rightly, IMO) assumes most players are sophisticated enough to be well versed in the rules of such a world by virtue of previous exposure in the form of other games, film, and books. It effectively tells you what you need to know of the world in order to move the plot along and leaves the rest to imagination.

The gameplay is largely successful but equally does falter in some areas. The point and click adventure elements here are fairly straight forward and rote. There are only three relatively confined areas to explore in the game (four if you're feeling exceedingly generous). Further, the level of interactivity in these areas is limited in such a way as to effectively move you from point A to point B in the story without a lot of tarrying about. If you're seeking a richly vibrant, highly interactive point & click title, Richard and Alice is not necessarily going to give you that. The world here exists as a plot device, and the interactive elements within that world are strictly limited to those that serve the plot in some way. So yes, this is a rather tightly wound narrative without the indulgence of unnecessary distractions. Having said that, Richard and Alice incorporates some interesting game mechanics in service to that world and to the general tone of the game. Much has been made of the fact that character movement feels extremely sluggish, and believe me it does, it really, really does. It's my opinion though, that this was a conscious decision on the part of the developers. The slow movement combined with the relentless sound of the snow ratchets up the tension and anxiety in the game, particularly when there are other characters in peril. It makes the world feel claustrophobic and as if it's actively working against you. It doesn't make it any less frustrating mind, but it is ultimately an effective decision.

The one other aspect of the game play that troubles me a bit is that of the multiple endings offered here. There are no less than five possible endings for Richard and Alice, which would seem to indicate the possibility of a branching story line. To be clear on this point, there are absolutely no branches along the way in this story. The ending you get is strictly based on rather arbitrary in-game choices that do not affect the narrative in progress whatsoever. So if you want to see the multiple endings, you'll play through the exact same story multiple times with the only points of differentiation being the endings themselves. It's as if you're reading a Choose Your Own Adventure book in which the only story deviation occurs in the final two pages of the book. Now to be clear the story is excellent, and IMO it does warrant at least one additional play through to pick up on the clues and hints that you may have missed the first time around. But to play through the game five times introduces a sense of drudgery and tedium, particularly when coupled with the slow character movement mentioned above. More damningly it also reduces some of the emotional wallop present in the game with each additional playthrough. Accordingly, if you're going for multiple playthroughs I'd recommend taking a suitable cool down period in betwixt.

I'd recommend this game to fans of visual novels (slightly more so than fans of adventure games), as well as to anyone who appreciates quality storytelling coupled with quality characterization in games, especially so this latter element.
Last edited by nullPointer on Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by emwearz »

dsheinem wrote::lol:

It would take you...
3877 continuous hours
161 days,13 hours,2 minutes
of gameplay to complete your Steam library

It would take you...
4190 continuous hours
174 days,14 hours,42 minutes
of gameplay to complete your Steam library :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe we can do it as a team effort.
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