Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

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Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by bmoc »


We are seriously slipping on July's console of the month thread. Let's get this thing started!

The Xbox was announced at CES 2001 and launched in its home territory in November 2001. Microsoft created the Xbox because they were worried about Sony's PS2 cutting into their PC gaming sales. Originally conceived by Microsoft's DirectX team, it was internally called the DirectX Box. Eventually the name was shortened to just Xbox and proved popular with focus testing.

From a technical standpoint, the Xbox was essentially a consolized PC featuring an Intel Pentium III processor and an Nvidia GPU. It was also the first console to utilize a built-in hard drive. The Xbox featured an built-in ethernet port as well which made it popular with LAN parties and helped make its online service, Xbox Live, successful.

Production stopped on the Xbox in 2005 shortly after the Xbox 360 was announced. The Xbox would still see games made for it until 2008. Despite its relatively short lifespan and poor sales in Japan, the Xbox managed to outsell the Nintendo GameCube, cementing the Xbox brand in the console space recently vacated by Sega. The Xbox no-doubt owes quite a bit of its success to Microsoft's acquisition of Bungie and making Halo: Combat Evolved a launch title.

Let's discuss your favorite Xbox games and any other Xbox experiences. Did you hack your Xbox and turn it into an emulation box? Did you subscribe to Xbox Live to play Halo 2 online? How do you feel about the massive Duke controller?
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by marurun »

I do not and did not own an Xbox, but I briefly lived with some folks who did and got to play Halo shortly after release. I really enjoyed that game, despite the repetitive cut-paste sections of some of the level and how annoying the Flood can be at times. I had been so hyped for Halo when it was announced for Mac and I felt very scorned when Bungie jumped ship to MS. Considering I went from Mac/Windows FPS games to Halo on Xbox, I can totally see why Halo is the torch-bearer for console FPS games, and this is one of those rare cases where I think the haters have misplaced their hatred. And even though I never got to play any of them I was glad to see Sega continuing a number of their franchises post-Dreamcast on Xbox instead of, say, PS2. It felt like MS wanted to capture a little of that magic us Dreamcast aficionados already knew. The only Xbox title I actually have any familiarity with besides Halo was watching my then roommates play a lot of SSX Tricky, which I didn't have any desire to play but enjoyed spectating.
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by bmoc »

Being heavily into PC gaming in the late 90's, I was aware of the hype behind Halo when it was first announced for PC and Mac in 1999. I didn't pay close attention to it after that. I wasn't until it was announced as a launch title for the Xbox that I decided I needed to have an Xbox.

I preordered an Xbox from Toys R Us via Amazon and my order, unfortunately, did not ship at launch. A few weeks went by and still no shipment. One day, I stopped by a Circuit City for something else and they had a pile of Xboxes in stock. I grabbed one thinking that I would just cancel my preorder when I got home. Sure enough, in that short window when I was out shopping, my Amazon order shipped. I was a broke college student at the time who really had no business ordering one Xbox much less two. It worked out though because I sold the extra Xbox on eBay and made a tiny profit after fees versus just returning one.

Halo and Dead or Alive 3 were hugely popular with the guys in my apartment. I think they chipped in to buy two extra controllers. We eventually identified some friends that also had an Xbox and many Halo LAN parties were had. At that point, any game that was cross platform I purchased it on Xbox mostly to justify my poor financial decision to buy an Xbox in the first place. I didn't buy a whole lot of console games during the Xbox's heyday - mostly because I was poor and secondly because I started getting into MMOs.

After college, my Xbox was essentially relegated to a Halo box and video game rentals. I still picked up the occasional JRPG which usually always meant buying it for the PS2. When Halo 2 came out, naturally I picked that up. I was staunchly against having to pay for Xbox Live on principle because online multiplayer was free on PC and even the PS2. Halo 2 multiplayer, for me, was always done locally - as God intended. It wasn't until around 2014, when I purchased an Xbox One, that I finally relented and succumbed to the devilish allure of Xbox Live.

So yeah, if it wasn't for Halo, I would have skipped the Xbox altogether. Nowadays, I'm slowly exploring its exclusives and sometimes picking up titles that were just console exclusive while keeping an eye out for games that are significantly cheaper than their GameCube/PS2 counterparts.
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by SpaceBooger »

I purchased my Dreamcast at launch with my first ever teaching paycheck, so when its short lifespan ended I wanted more and XBOX had the SEGA games.
I picked up the version that had Jet Srid Radio Future and SEGA GT pack-in and loved Gunvalkyrie.
I played a lot of XBOX Baluder's Gate, X-Men Legacy, Batman Begins, Batman Vengeance, Fable, X2: Wolverine, the NFL 2K games, Knights of the Old Republic, and Jade Empire to name a few. I skipped the PS2 at launch and the XBOX was where I played my first GTA games (The GTA Collection).
To this day have always picked up the XBOX version of a game over the PS2 if I am adding it to my collection. My oldest son still plays the original Forza on it and my other son and I are currently working through Baulders Gate Dark Alliance... when I can get him away from Tears of the Kingdom.
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by Markies »

I picked up an XBOX in 2015 and I have had an interesting experience with the console.

For one, it is the console that breaks down the most. I think I am on my 3rd XBOX. It took me forever to find a working one. When I did find one, it only worked for a while and then slowly began to deteriorate to the point that it stopped working. I lost a few saves because some of them can't be moved or copied from your XBOX. Thankfully, my current one has been working quite well. This is a common problem with the original XBOX and it is a real shame.

For the library, I have also had a weird experience. I haven't really enjoyed the big heavy hitters on the console. I liked Halo 1 and 2, but neither of them were all that fantastic. I did not like Morrowind at all. I thought Fable, Half-Life 2 and Psychonauts were good, but they also had problems.

Some of my favorite games have been the lesser known games or games released exclusively to the system. Crimson Skies could be the best flying game I have ever played. Doom 3 is fantastic and terrifying all at the same time. Forza was amazing. I enjoyed Jet Set Radio Future more than the original. Midtown Madness 3 was a very fun racing game. Dead or Alive, KOTOR 1 & 2, Sudeki and Syberia were all unique and fantastic experiences.

The XBOX came out on possibly my favorite generation as I loved the GameCube and PS2. So, I also used it to play some great multi-platform games that performed better on the console. X-Men Legens 1 & 2, Prince of Persia series, Max Payne 1 & 2, Destroy All Humans and Beyond Good & Evil are all great games as well.
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by Note »

During this era, I ended purchasing a PS2 in the summer of 2001 with money I had saved up from a summer job, and I received the GameCube as a Christmas present later in the year. Needless to say, I stuck with these two consoles during that era. I was still in high school at the time and the only income I had came from a few months of work during summer breaks. However, two of my close friends ended up getting a Xbox that Christmas, so I was able to experience multiplayer Halo in all of its glory. Once I saw the game in action, I knew the system was for real.

Back then, I somehow missed the fact that Sega would be supporting the console, with a lot of games in their franchises appearing on Xbox. If I had known that earlier, I might have given a more serious look at it. But overall, I was happy with the consoles I had during this time.

As mentioned by bmoc, Xbox was still the latest system when I started college and my childhood friend and roommate freshmen year had brought his console to the dorms. Multiplayer Halo 2 over the network with other guys at the dorm was a regular thing, and it was a favorite past time for a lot of kids in my year at school. There were even a few tournaments setup, which were held on big screen TVs in the common area of our dorms. I didn't partake in the tournaments, as I only had a chance to play here and there, but it was fun to watch and see how my friends were doing.

There are a lot of games I'd like to check out on the system, including Knights of the Old Republic, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crimson Skies, SpikeOut Battle Street, Fable, Otogi, and House of the Dead III.

SB, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is such a fun game. I just played through it last year with my girlfriend and we had a great time with it. Hope you and your son are able to put some more time into the game!

Markies, Appreciate your list of recommended games!
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by bmoc »

Markies wrote:Doom 3 is fantastic and terrifying all at the same time.

Modern Vintage Gamer just did a video on how technically impressive the Xbox Doom 3 ports is. It is miraculous that they were able to port a game that required 384 MB on RAM on PC to the Xbox with its 64 MB of RAM.

@Note - Your experience with the Xbox is very similar to my experience with the GameCube. I never picked one up because at least one of my roommates had a GameCube at any given time. I had access to the small amount of GameCube games that I was interested in at the time - Metroid Prime and Smash Bros Melee in particular.
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by ZRofel »

If offered the choice, I would definitely take the PS2 or the Gamecube over the Xbox in a hot second, but I do still have a fair amount of affection for gaming's girthiest console. In fact, these days it's one of my favorites to collect for since, for the most part, its games are dirt cheap.

Like several of you have already said, I was introduced to the Xbox in college via friends that were really, really into Halo. I liked Halo well enough, but I lived in a dorm with a bunch of dudes who were incredibly competitive, so eventually I just kind of moved on from it after I got tired of all the alpha-male posturing. About a year or so later, some wealthy relatives bought my brother and I each an Xbox for Christmas, and I ended up grabbing a copy of Halo since it was really the only game on the system I knew anything about. Eventually my brother (who amusingly enough now works for Bungie) and all of his friends got super into Halo, prompting me to give up on it once again. Towards the end of college, when I started to first dabble in game collecting, I did a little bit of poking around the edges of the Xbox library and found there were some really weird games out there.

I played the hell out of Otogi, which to this day I still consider an action game masterpiece (I like the second one too, but I think I prefer the simplicity of the first game). Breakdown was a fascinating first-person brawler/shooter/horror hybrid that I'm still not quite sure I understand from a logistical standpoint. Speaking of unique first-person games, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay was a really great, really unique action/stealth/puzzle game that introduced me to Vin Diesel's Riddick character and his sci-fi universe. And of course, there were some brilliant Sega gems like House of the Dead III and Panzer Dragoon Orta as well (I know Otogi was published by Sega, but I really consider it a From game more than anything else).

After college, being a big Bioware fan, I gobbled up the two Knights of the Old Republic games, although I skipped over Jade Empire for some reason. I really enjoyed the Jedi Knight ports for the system too. Gun was a weird little spaghetti western homage (that I think got a 360 release too) that I thoroughly enjoyed but never hear anyone talking about. And I absolutely fell in love with TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, which to this day I consider one of my favorite games of all time. I even did a Let's Play of it. Speaking of Let's Plays, I did one of Stubbs the Zombie too, another criminally underrated Xbox action game with significant strategic elements, made by some of the former Halo crew. It got ported to modern consoles recently, which kind of blew my mind, since it had seemed totally lost to the ages until then.

A friend of mine was a big Sudeki apologist, so he grabbed me a copy of that when it was, like, $5, and I will say I did genuinely enjoy it. It's not a masterpiece, but it is a fun, little RPG. And I played through a handful of multiplatform games like Beyond Good and Evil, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and TimeSplitters 2 as well, all of which were lots of fun.

I think I said it in the 360 Console of the Month thread, but the original Xbox was one of the last consoles that I really felt had a personality to it, seeming to have positioned itself as the torchbearer of Sega's console 'tude, with a little bit of America's "Bigger is Better" mixed in for good measure. Not that we should necessarily be ascribing personality or values to pieces of commercially released hardware, but it is what it is. As a piece of hardware, I'm not the biggest fan because, despite its malleability, it is fairly large and clunky, and as markies said, prone to failure. But it definitely has an interesting library, and despite the general view that everything is a PC port, it had a significant number of very solid exclusives that haven't ever been ported anywhere else. If anyone has any recommendations for (preferably less expensive) exclusives worth picking up, I'm all ears.
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by SpaceBooger »

ZRofel wrote:"...the original Xbox was one of the last consoles that I really felt had a personality to it, seeming to have positioned itself as the torchbearer of Sega's console 'tude, with a little bit of America's "Bigger is Better" mixed in for good measure."

That summarizes the console perfectly to me.
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Re: Console of the Month (July 2023) - Xbox

Post by bmoc »

If you like Otogi and "America's Bigger is Better", you absolutely need to play Metal Wolf Chaos. It was a Japan Xbox exclusive but has since been ported to PS4/Xbox One/PC.
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