Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by pook99 »

@sload: I knew the most contentious thing I typed was "amazing zelda games" skyward sword and twilight princess are both polarizing games but people who like them tend to really like them. Whats your favorite 3d mario?

SNES is definitely a contender for best 1st party titles. I would definitely give SNES the nod of having the best 2d mario, the best 2d metroid, the best 2d zelda, amazing donkey kong country games, and a solid punch out, mario kart, and f-zero. What other big ones am I missing?

I think it is a tight race between the 2 of them, but no other nintendo console comes close in terms of first party games

@opwuaioc: you disagree with ALL of my bullet points? ALL? I find that hard to believe, of course gaming opinions are subjective and some of the things I said were contentious but do you really disagree with:

-New Super Mario brothers is a great mario game?
-donkey kong country returns is one of the best dkc games?
-paper mario is fun (wii version)
-fire emblem radiant dawn is a solid entry into the series?
-wario land shake it is one of the best wario platformers?

I get you not agreeing with all of my "bests" but the stuff listed above seems pretty hard to dispute. I get some people hate waggle controls but the game listed above have minimal to no waggle controls, and some of the games on my list also have no waggle controls or options to play without them (mario kart and punch out for example)
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by o.pwuaioc »

pook99 wrote:@opwuaioc: you disagree with ALL of my bullet points? ALL? I find that hard to believe, of course gaming opinions are subjective and some of the things I said were contentious but do you really disagree with:

-New Super Mario brothers is a great mario game?
-donkey kong country returns is one of the best dkc games?
-paper mario is fun (wii version)
-fire emblem radiant dawn is a solid entry into the series?
-wario land shake it is one of the best wario platformers?

I get you not agreeing with all of my "bests" but the stuff listed above seems pretty hard to dispute. I get some people hate waggle controls but the game listed above have minimal to no waggle controls, and some of the games on my list also have no waggle controls or options to play without them (mario kart and punch out for example)

I never played Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn or Wario Land Shake, though I've never played a Wario game I liked. I don't like the entire Paper Mario series, DKC Returns is good but waggle drops it below the original. But I mean, there are only four console DKC games, so it's in the top 4? (Never played Tropical Freeze or anything on the Wii U, so I can only compare to the SNES originals.) I still don't think it holds a candle to DKC1, though if it dropped waggle a case could be made against 3.

NSMB is decent, but certainly wouldn't call it "great."

So yeah, I do stand by my words.
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by opa »

pook99 wrote:- the best 3d marios
-amazing zelda games
- the best kirby game
- one of the best, if not the best, donkey kong country game
- the best sports game ever made
- a solid fire emblem game

I love the Wii but I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree on the points I quoted. The others I either agree with or have no opinion on either way.

Wii U Cat Mario > Galaxy 1/2

Twilight Princess doesn't get good until about half-way in and the best part about Skyward Sword was the bundled triforce Wii remote.

Super Star Ultra or give me death.

The DKC crown belongs to DKC2.

Assuming you're talking about Wii Sports - it is a good little party game package but on their own each individual game is hardly what I'd consider the definitive sport game experience in their respective genres.

Fire Emblem - I don't feel too strongly about this but I've always heard that the GameCube game is regarded a little higher?
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by Sload Soap »


My favourite 3D Mario and Mario overall is Mario 64. I would then say I prefer 3D World and Odyssey over the Galaxy games as good as they are.

I think the other first party titles on the SNES that beef it up a bit are Starfox, Yoshi's Island, Earthbound, Pilotwings and Super Mario RPG (even tho it is a Square joint).

For me personally I would actually say the N64 has the best stable of first party titles especially if you include the Rare developed stuff. No Metroid and a lame Kirby hurt it but that's made up for with the best F-Zero, a great Mario Kart, the best entries in lesser series like Pilotwings, Wave Race and Starfox, the start of the Smash Bros and Mario Party series and probably the 2nd and 3rd best 3D Zelda. Then you can add in stuff like Mario Tennis and Golf as well as 1080 and Excitebike and it's very solid.

*I also forgot Paper Mario which is ace and oddballs like Yoshi's Story and Pokemon Snap. If you do include Rare you get Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Diddy Kong Racing. BEST CONSOLE EVAR1!! 1!1?
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by pook99 »

@owpuaioc: well, this is the unpopular opinion thread, so I guess your statement fits in perfectly ; )

@opa: I am just about at the end of 3d world now and it is a fantastic game, I still think galaxy is better and popular opinion certainly goes that way as well, but 3d world is terrific and definitely a contender for best mario game, while also definitively being the most under rated mario game

I personally find most kirby games boring but return to dreamland gets a lot of stuff right and has multiplayer, combo that with the oddly unique experience that is epic yarn, and its a no brainer for me, but I do hear lot of people give the nod to the snes games

Popular opinion agrees with you that DKC 2 is the best in the series, I liked that game but I enjoy the feel of the returns entries better the original trilogy, on my opinion tropical freeze > returns > DKC 2 > DKC 1 (mainly for nostalgia) > DKC 3 (still a very good game). Having said that I did say that the wii had "one of the best..." not the best so the point stands

I am talking about a combo of wii sports and the mario sports titles from the perspective of a gamer who hates sports games. I would not expect any fan of soccer to prefer mario strikers charged to whatever the newest FIFA is, but for non sports gamers the wii has a great assortment of fun sports titles that take me back to the nes era of simple, fun, pick up and play sports games.

You could be right about fire emblem, I'm not sure, which is why I just said they had a good/decent fire emblem game. From my understanding radiant dawns claim to fame is its obscene difficulty which can be a turn on or off depending on your perspective. I still don't own it and it is pricey but I will eventually get a copy if I find a good deal.

@sload: I forgot about those SNES titles, I personally always got bored of yoshis island but it is recognized as one of the best games out there, I also hate pilotwings, but starfox and super mario rpg are both great games that started their respective series so they are very strong cases to add to the SNES. I never played earthbound and probably never will but I have heard tons of great things.

You make a good case for the N64 but I don't think we can include rare because then we get into the territory of exclusives vs first party titles. I also get the feeling that you feel the same way about the N64 that I do about the wii.

I have a weird relationship with the N64, during its heyday I finished exactly 4 games on the system (mario 64, both goeman games, and castlevania 64), I was way too busy playing ps1 during that era, and while most people were playing stuff like goldeneye, smash, and mario kart, my friends and I were busy playing stuff like tekken 3, street fighter alpha 3, and a host of saturn exclusive 2d fighters.

Despite my lukewarm feelings toward the system at launch, I do own a decent number of N64 carts (about 60 or so) and it is one of the only systems I still kind of collect for, mainly because N64 emulation is generally garbage. I do plan on going back and exploring the library more at some point, and I do think that 3d games on the N64 stood the test of time better than 3d games on the ps1.
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by mobiusclimber »

It's funny bc I always hear people praising the N64 so I think my opinion (that the system is trash) is the unpopular one. Yeah, I hate the N64. I've tried several times to find games on it that I actually want to play, but many, I suspect, where only good at the time, if at all. Goldeneye, for instance, is an ugly mess that I spent more time fighting the controller than I did fighting other people. But I also don't think Mario belong in 3D and that all they really did was kill off side-scrolling platforming rather than actually make a real 3D Mario game. I hated most of the games on the system, and still do.

Another unpopular opinion: I also don't like Chrono Trigger. I suspect this is partly from not having played it when it was released. But I feel like the tone of the game is all over the place and the story is kind of stupid and nonsensical. Also, they did away with random battles but did something far more annoying. There are enemies on the map, but most of them are unavoidable, but they aren't random. They're in the same place every single time and the same enemies every single time. They somehow made random battles way more boring and annoying! It's also a game where the actual story runs out halfway through and you're left with a bunch of side missions that you can choose to do or not do. They didn't have more story because the story itself is garbage. Yes, all the stuff with Lucca and her parents, or what happens to Chrono, are interesting, compelling story beats. It's just a shame they're married to this useless storyline... and once those beats are over, it's back to goofiness. I've tried three times now to get into CT but I just can't.
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

mobiusclimber wrote:It's also a game where the actual story runs out halfway through and you're left with a bunch of side missions that you can choose to do or not do.

I mean, yeah, these are RPG sidequests. You can do them, or choose not to. The story isn't really running out, it's just splicing in various directions.
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by mobiusclimber »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:
mobiusclimber wrote:It's also a game where the actual story runs out halfway through and you're left with a bunch of side missions that you can choose to do or not do.

I mean, yeah, these are RPG sidequests. You can do them, or choose not to. The story isn't really running out, it's just splicing in various directions.

Yeah, you get Epoch super early and it feels super early. There is still some actual plot to get through, but most of it is just helping people or finding better weapons. Worse, many are basically fetch quests through the ages. It just gives the game a very disjointed feeling. Here's a little more detailed explanation as to what I mean: ... o_co_on_a/ It doesn't help that there's a certain amount of Working Design-style goofiness in the story and dialogue and that a lot of the bad guys just flat out don't really make sense. What's the point of the goblins and how do they relate to Lavos? Why do I have to keep fighting these idiots? Why is Chrono so dumb he doesn't get that they're trying to eat him? I'm sure I probably just missed the explanation as to what the goblins were up to, but... that's just how I felt playing the game. I'm fighting stuff, but I have no clear indication of why or how it relates to the giant slug alien hiding in the earth.
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

I found Lavos to be one of the more interesting elements of the game. Okay, not the character itself, as it doesn't possess much sentience, but the reactions to the existence of Lavos. He's like a malevolent god, and the time periods are distinguished largely by how the populace reacts to Lavos' existence: whether he's condemned or revered or outright ignored. It's like watching a strange religion ebb and flow and play out over, ya know, time.
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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?

Post by o.pwuaioc »

mobiusclimber wrote:It's funny bc I always hear people praising the N64 so I think my opinion (that the system is trash) is the unpopular one. Yeah, I hate the N64. I've tried several times to find games on it that I actually want to play, but many, I suspect, where only good at the time, if at all. Goldeneye, for instance, is an ugly mess that I spent more time fighting the controller than I did fighting other people. But I also don't think Mario belong in 3D and that all they really did was kill off side-scrolling platforming rather than actually make a real 3D Mario game. I hated most of the games on the system, and still do.

Ogre Battle 64 is worth it alone.

Another unpopular opinion: I also don't like Chrono Trigger. I suspect this is partly from not having played it when it was released. But I feel like the tone of the game is all over the place and the story is kind of stupid and nonsensical. Also, they did away with random battles but did something far more annoying. There are enemies on the map, but most of them are unavoidable, but they aren't random. They're in the same place every single time and the same enemies every single time. They somehow made random battles way more boring and annoying! It's also a game where the actual story runs out halfway through and you're left with a bunch of side missions that you can choose to do or not do. They didn't have more story because the story itself is garbage. Yes, all the stuff with Lucca and her parents, or what happens to Chrono, are interesting, compelling story beats. It's just a shame they're married to this useless storyline... and once those beats are over, it's back to goofiness. I've tried three times now to get into CT but I just can't.

Man, I thought I was alone in thinking this. I also didn't play CT back in the day. It was really impressive when I first played, but I can't finish. Several times now I've tried to get back into it, and I usually just get bored with it. But then again, most RPGs bore or annoy me now.

Apparently I'm consistent in this regard:

Last edited by o.pwuaioc on Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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