SNES Classic coming September 29th

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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by strangenova »

Reprise wrote:Pilotwings, Donkey Kong Country 2 and Chrono Trigger are bizarre omissions in my opinion.

Yeah I was saying earlier that DKC 2 and Chrono Trigger are two games I would add to the mini. I've also been wondering why there aren't any two player puzzle games on here. Nintendo had Kirby's Avalanche, Tetris Attack, and Yoshi's Cookie they couldve put on here. Japan is getting tetris attack actually.
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by Sarge »

Eh, I'm not sure it's really bizarre that they're missing. Especially if there are plans for a Virtual Console-style service. Don't give 'em everything.

Plus, remember that Square Enix still sells Chrono Trigger on a lot of different storefronts. You've got to think FFVI is a bone they threw out for name recognition, and folks that like it will seek out their other stuff. Same for Nintendo and DKC2, and while I know a lot of folks here prefer the second game, I think a ton of the nostalgia is for the first one. (Plus, I prefer the first one. :D)

Pilotwings might be good, but it feels a bit like a tech demo, especially compared to the games of today. I'd argue most of the stuff they put on there doesn't feel like it's been one-upped at all.

Also, I'm going to call it now: Nintendo's going to revisit the NES Classic in the future. Seems like this is a product that is ready-made for releasing a particular system, letting the other remain fallow for a while, and then coming out with a new revision to draw folks in again. It's smart marketing, in my opinion.
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by Tanooki »

Easily run, easily updated to another system with a new shell wrapped around the board. They have seen Sega make bank for years with a broken system ATGames has emulated (until this years HD unit only finally working right) so why not cash in on it? They have the most revered game line-up of the 8 and 16bit generations, so why not milk the hell out of it right?

I could see the NES pop back up too, will they though, hard to say, but it would definitely sell and hopefully to those who are hold outs that got shorted the first time around. It's more than worth the $60.
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by Ziggy »

Regarding Star Fox 2, I didn't see anyone here mention this...

The version of the game on the SNES Classic is not going to be the hacked ROM that we're all use to. The version of the game that most of us have experienced is a hack of a ROM that was compiled from leaked source code. The hack translates the game to English, but also fixes some bugs, removes unfinished features, etc. This beta version also lacked a multiplayer mode that was present in a leaked alpha build (it is unclear if it would have been cut from the final game or not). In additional to all that, I always felt like the game lacked a final polish that you would expect from a Nintendo game.

I highly doubt that Nintendo will use the hacked ROM that we have, for obvious reasons. On top of that, the beta version of the game that we've had available wasn't necessarily the latest version of the game to exist. It's just the version that leaked. According to Wikipedia, "In an interview with Nintendo Life in 2015, Cuthbert revealed he has a copy of the game's finalized ROM image, completely reviewed and debugged by Mario Club, which he acquired during the development of Star Fox Command, and stated that the mastered ROM image sustains many elements that remain missing from the leaked prototype ROM images."

It is likely that the version of the game we'll get on the SNES Classic will be from a more recent version of the game than what we've had previously. It could have more features than the beta version, including the missing multiplayer mode. And I'm assuming it will be more polished.

I've played a lot of the hacked beta Star Fox 2. I didn't find it to be too much fun, but again, I felt like it was a beta version and the game could have been polished out a little more.

All this said, I'm very eager to see exactly what Star Fox 2 on the SNES Classic will be. Will it have the missing features and multiplayer mode? Will it be more polished? My guess is, very likely it will.

Also, will hackers be able to obtain the ROM image of this official version of Star Fox 2 from the SNES Classic? I hope so.


As for the SNES Classic itself, I really want to try and get one. I'm hoping that it wont turn into the shit show that the NES Classic was. I don't care if I have to wait for stock, but I hope they don't just discontinue it after a few short months.
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by Reprise »

@Ziggy I don't know much about Star Fox 2, I must admit, so I could be wrong here, but I heard that the game was very nearly finished and the version that leaked was an unfinished alpha. There allegedly is a version of the game that is more or less complete that has never leaked. It'll be that version, no doubt.
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by wclem »

Amazon and Best Buy are taking sign ups for pre order notifications
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by Reprise »

Why do you guys in North America always have to wait ages to have pre-orders go up for stuff?

Pre-orders here in the UK went live yesterday for numerous retailers, including Amazon and then launched on the official Nintendo store today.

I only ask, because I've noticed this pattern a lot over the last few years.
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by wclem »

I would geuss there is some sort of law in place prohibiting doing it with orders in place to fulfill the pre orders
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by Michi »

Reprise wrote:Why do you guys in North America always have to wait ages to have pre-orders go up for stuff?

Seems to depend on the retailer and the items going up.

Most games go up pretty quickly. I'd say in a day or so. With Limited Editions and such, it can take longer and, in some instances, can be erratic and inconsistent.

For instance, I've noticed Amazon put things up without the item ever going live, and then after a few days it'll pop up...maybe. Sometimes they wait until the day before, like they did with the Skyward Sword amiibo last week. And then, if you're lucky, they'll put some more up a day or two before/after release.

Gamestop and Best Buy seem to get waves of stuff in sporadically.

So, I guess the short answer is: Only with certain items.
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Re: SNES Classic coming September 29th

Post by Tanooki »

Reprise wrote:@Ziggy I don't know much about Star Fox 2, I must admit, so I could be wrong here, but I heard that the game was very nearly finished and the version that leaked was an unfinished alpha. There allegedly is a version of the game that is more or less complete that has never leaked. It'll be that version, no doubt.

Back when I was in the gaming media a decade ago I actually for the Advanced Media Network actually started out doing research/editorial pieces and Star Fox 2 was one thing I went after. I probably should dig up the old thing if I still have it as the site is long dead, but yes you're correct. The beta we got was like 95% or so there supposedly. I never could get a hold of Cuthbert as I guess we lacked the prestige. ;) What I could gather was it was nearly done, things that were in earlier builds (like MP) was dropped but researched earlier and that what we do see in the hack is basically what they intended but needed some AI/other fine tuning, test code (and FPS counter) removal, and other little late beta fixes as it wasn't a broken/crash happy build at that point.

That's why I've always kind of poo poo'd Nintendo and Cuthbert going on after being poked at time and again about it saying it's a busted earlier incomplete beta as it just didn't line up with what I could dig up. I'd like to think the truth falls somewhere in the middle, that maybe that multiplayer test alpha that leaked too did end up(or would have) in what should have been the final build.

An interesting note and it is a failure I guess of it not being entirely finished, is that the game scales in a screwy way based upon difficulty and it leaves out some AI behaviors and an entire more devilish aspect of the game. Playing it on normal is actually EASY and on there the bosses, wolf team, and the rest are fairly stupid. You also lose the virus. The space virus you need to attack with a vengeance, if you do not, it will go after Coneria's space platform that helps you, and it turns around and carpet bombs the planet. You then need to attack that platform immediately and kill the viruses off of it, and depending on the other two difficulties they're far more nasty. And as you play on the other modes the AI gets nastier, there are more planets to do, more battleships to drop, and the general mobs, missiles, and wolf team are more prolific and nasty.

Up your difficulty, see if you feel like it's's a challenge.
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