TR2014 Retro-spective

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Re: TR2014 Retro-spective

Post by Ack »

Quake is better on PC, yes, though it might make for an interesting comparison point. And to my knowledge, many of the issues present with the Steam version of Quake aren't there in the N64 port.

For Mortal Kombat Trilogy, the N64 port actually has a mix of interesting losses and features: a smaller roster(several alternate versions of characters were dropped along with a couple of boss characters) with a couple of modified characters, along with the addition of a new stage and enhanced visuals on other stages, 3-on-3 fights, a better Supreme Demonstration feature, unlockable free play, exclusive fatalities for Motaro and Shao Khan, changes in frames of animation(both dropping and adding in various cases), no load times, a different Friendship for Nightwolf, two secret menus, etc. It's worth checking it out. Plus, you don't have the bastardized Shang Tsung of the PlayStation version.

Most likely I won't be playing any version of Trilogy specifically. I'm instead going to be looking at Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3, and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on the SNES. This is partly because of how they feed into each other(MKT basically being an enhanced version of UMK3, which is an enhanced version of MK3), but also because I'm rusty as hell at these games and will be relearning them.
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Re: TR2014 Retro-spective

Post by isiolia »

Ack wrote:Quake is better on PC, yes, though it might make for an interesting comparison point. And to my knowledge, many of the issues present with the Steam version of Quake aren't there in the N64 port.

To my knowledge, the Quake games are simply available on Steam (DRM free at that). The issues that can come up are due to the original game installs potentially having issues on modern OSes/hardware, and Steam not rolling in tweaks/mods to address that.
The Steam forums do have a guide on tweaks and mods that one might desire to get the game running as expected on a modern machine.

The main issue for Quake 1 (at least) that stands out is that the PC version's music is pure redbook audio. It just plays track x/position y of whatever audio disc is in the drive (if any). So...if you want the complete experience, you need an original CD (or a burned CD with the right tracks).

Far as 2014's TR...I only participated in two. Metal Gear I liked, and kicked off a playthrough of most of the series with it. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, however, was much better and closer to the 3D entries.

Lost Vikings I remember seeing a lot of back in the day, in magazines and so on, but never played. Bought the Genesis version, but wound up mostly playing the PC version due to going out of town. It was more convenient to bring my Surface than a Genesis.
Interesting, but needlessly frustrating at times.

The rest I could give reasons/excuses that I didn't play, but a lot of it comes down to just playing other things.
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Re: TR2014 Retro-spective

Post by Ack »

isiolia wrote:
Ack wrote:Quake is better on PC, yes, though it might make for an interesting comparison point. And to my knowledge, many of the issues present with the Steam version of Quake aren't there in the N64 port.

To my knowledge, the Quake games are simply available on Steam (DRM free at that). The issues that can come up are due to the original game installs potentially having issues on modern OSes/hardware, and Steam not rolling in tweaks/mods to address that.
The Steam forums do have a guide on tweaks and mods that one might desire to get the game running as expected on a modern machine.

The main issue for Quake 1 (at least) that stands out is that the PC version's music is pure redbook audio. It just plays track x/position y of whatever audio disc is in the drive (if any). So...if you want the complete experience, you need an original CD (or a burned CD with the right tracks).

Actually, the real issue with the Steam version is that it's an out of date and buggy version of GLQuake(0.95) which has a lot of options that either don't work(such as brightness options) or have to be manually configured via trial and error and can potentially render the game unplayable if you screw up(such as screen resolution). It's also prone to crashing, and some command line options for adjusting things like FOV will not work.
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Re: TR2014 Retro-spective

Post by isiolia »

Right, but that version of glquake has those issues regardless of the source. That's all I mean. It's not a Steam-specific issue.
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Re: TR2014 Retro-spective

Post by ExedExes »

Ack wrote:Most likely I won't be playing any version of Trilogy specifically. I'm instead going to be looking at Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3, and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on the SNES. This is partly because of how they feed into each other(MKT basically being an enhanced version of UMK3, which is an enhanced version of MK3), but also because I'm rusty as hell at these games and will be relearning them.

I'm gonna try to get a PC copy of MKT only because I found a site with patches that support it on Windows 8, among other fixes.

dsheinem wrote:I'd like to see us do some QuakeLive matches online a fair amount that month...

I'm up for that.
Xeogred wrote:The obvious answer is that it's time for the Dreamcast 2.
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Re: TR2014 Retro-spective

Post by noiseredux »

ExedExes wrote:I'm gonna try to get a PC copy of MKT only because I found a site with patches that support it on Windows 8, among other fixes.

I might do the same - though that site says that you can use the patch on the PS1 and Saturn versions as well... I am confusion.
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Re: TR2014 Retro-spective

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

I sadly, only participated in the April and August Together Retros. With Shock Troopers, I enjoyed the various paths and the different character play styles that added variety. This also opened up some conversation on the forums which allowed me to share my thoughts and feelings on the game itself. It was a very good candidate.

With the August Together Retro with the D&D Beat Em Ups, I already had a lot of experience with the game, so I didn't have much of a challenge in completing them. It was nice to try and talk about the real technique of the game that makes it stand out amongst the other beat em ups out there.

I wish I could have participated more, but there were few games that I was interested in playing. Games like Psychonauts were titles that I completed earlier in the year, which is my fault for not thinking about it.

I am excited for this next year though and can't wait to get started. I probably will fire up Grandia early so that I can get a head start on it with hopes of finishing it by the end of January.
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

-I am the idiot that likes to have fun and be happy.
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Re: TR2014 Retro-spective

Post by TSTR »

Played some, but not as much as I would have liked. Really only messed with June, July, and October. Will finish IHNM, TotD: Overkill, and Psychonauts at some point, but much more looking forward to the picks for next year.
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