Games Beaten 2016

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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

PartridgeSenpai wrote:
ElkinFencer10 wrote:If you're really into temporal sci-fi, check this game out. If you're a TV buff, check this game out. If you want an excuse to dust off the Xbox One since you play all of your multiplats on PS4 since it runs them better, check this one out. It's not a masterpiece, and I'd suggest waiting until the price drops to $40, but I enjoyed this one.

Also as a side note, if you have the game installed on your Xbox One, you can download the 78 GB or so "episode pack" that has all of the television parts if you just want to watch them each without replaying through a game a bunch of times. Not sure how it works on the PC version.

Would you recommend this to someone like me, who doesn't really like third or first person shooters, but really enjoys something like Heavy Rain? I'm just hesitant to spend 40+ bucks on a newer console/PC game when that money could go toward more 3DS RPG's ;p

I would recommend waiting a year or two until you can find it for $20 either used or on sale since, at its core, it's at least as much shooter as it is anything else, but at the end of day, yeah, I'd recommend you play it. Just definitely not at full retail price.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Sarge »

Gamerforlife wrote:It actually offends me that people compare this piece of crap to the great games Konami made in the 90s. What are those people smoking? Turtles in Time on the SNES and Manhattan Project on NES shit all over this overrated piece of shit. These are the same developers who made the also overrated Scott Pilgrim game, and it shows. It plays a lot like that garbage. I think I'll try the 2003 GBA game a.k.a. the one made by Konami and not those hacks at Ubisoft Montreal.

Wow, harsh. I'd always thought it was at least passable, although I didn't think the combat had much depth.

Scott Pilgrim was alright. Not amazing, but alright. It starts terribly, though. For my money, Double Dragon Neon was far, far better.

I liked the Konami TMNT game. I played through the first one, at the very least, and I thought it was quite solid. Single-plane, and more platforming, but way better than you'd expect.

Another good GBA brawler, believe it or not, was Star Wars: Episode III. I remember sinking a good amount of time into that, and quite enjoying it.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

For GBA brawlers, I go with Double Dragon Advance and River City Ransom EX. Both are spectacular. (We should do an article on GBA beat 'em ups sometime...the system really does have a good selection of them, many of which are exclusives.)
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Sarge »

Yes, DD Advance is great as well. I wish I'd bought it back in the day.

I've got RCR on GBA, but something doesn't feel quite right with the hit detection. It just doesn't feel as "meaty" as the NES version. Maybe I'm imagining that, though. It's been a while since I actually played it.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by noiseredux »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:For GBA brawlers, I go with Double Dragon Advance and River City Ransom EX. Both are spectacular. (We should do an article on GBA beat 'em ups sometime...the system really does have a good selection of them, many of which are exclusives.)

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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

1. Shadow Warrior - Playstation 4 - January 1
2. The Order: 1886 - Playstation 4 - January 2
3. Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop - Wii - January 3
4. NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits - WiiWare - January 4
5. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd - Vita - January 5
6. Shadow the Hedgehog - Gamecube - January 9
7. Fairy Bloom Freeia - Steam - January 10
8. Petit Novel Series: Harvest December - 3DS - January 13
9. Gas Guzzlers Extreme - Steam - January 14
10. Muramasa: The Demon Blade - Wii - January 16
11. Project Zero 2: Wii Edition - Wii - January 19
12. Killzone: Liberation - PSP - January 20
13. Sin & Punishment: Star Successor - Wii - January 20
14. Kirby's Epic Yarn - Wii - January 24
15. Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love - Wii - January 25
16. Corpse Party - PSP - January 25
17. Freedom Planet - Wii U - January 25
18. Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space - Vita - January 25
19. Silent Hill: Homecoming - Xbox 360 - January 26
20. Life is Strange - Playstation 4 - January 28
21. Corpse Party: Book of Shadows - PSP - February 2
22. Megadimension Neptunia VII - Playstation 4 - February 12
23. Dr. Discord's Conquest - NES - February 13
24. Corpse Party: Blood Drive - Vita - February 17
25. If My Heart Had Wings - Steam - February 18
26. Missing: An Interactive Thriller - Steam - February 18
27. Her Story - Steam - February 18
28. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright - 3DS - February 26
29. Saints Row 2 - Steam - March 1
30. Saturday Morning RPG - Playstation 4 - March 3
31. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest - 3DS - March 6
32. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Wii U - March 8
33. Pokken Tournament - Wii U - March 20
34. Moe Chronicle - Vita - March 22
35. Tom Clancey's The Division - Playstation 4 - March 23
36. Yoshi's New Island - 3DS - March 28
37. Alien Rage - Steam - April 1
38. Alien Breed: Impact - Steam - April 2
39. Alien Breed 2: Assault - Steam - April 3
40. Alien Breed 3: Descent - Steam - April 3
41. Bravely Second: Ballad of the Three Cavaliers - 3DS - April 6
42. Quantum Break - Xbox One - April 7
43. Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric - Wii U - April 8


This is it. The moment that I'm pretending you've all been waiting for - my honest and unbiased review of Sonic Boom. "Elkin, why would you play such a piss poor terrible game?" Good question, random Racketeer. Why would I subject myself to this? It's quite simple, really; my rule is that you can't judge a game until you play it. I also was genuinely curious. The Internet says that it's the worst thing to happen to humanity since the Holocaust, but it also said the same thing about Duke Nukem Forever and Devil's Third, and I legitimately enjoyed both games (even if for mindless Steven Segal-esque violence). Would Sonic Boom be a similar story? Would I enjoy it despite the Internet's persecution of the game? Well, yes and no.

Sonic Boom is a tragic tale of missed potential and identity crisis. Let me address the latter first. "Identity crisis" was my big gripe about Sonic Lost World; it didn't know if it wanted to be a 2D platformer or a 3D platformer. Sonic Boom is like that on steroids. Part of it is a 2D platformer. Part of it is a 3D platformer. Part of it is a puzzle game. Part of it is a beat-em-up. Part of it is an awkward rail shooter. Because it tries to do everything, it ends up doing nothing well. I've never been a fan of 3D Sonic games (I haven't played them all, but from what I have played, I just feel like he works better in 2D), so I wasn't crazy about that, but I expected it. The 2D parts were good enough and definitely constituted my favorite part of the game. The rail shooter segments were extremely few and far between, but they played a little like a bad Space Harrier in terms of controls. The beat-em-up element, while the closest thing to a redeeming element for a lot of people, was actually my least favorite part. It just felt clunky and unpolished with extremely shoddy hit detection.


Now what do I mean by missed potential? Truth be told, there's a good game buried beneath the unmitigated disaster that is Rise of Lyric. There truly is. The problem is that it's a broken mess riddled with endless bugs, and that's AFTER a 1.2 GB update. This truly could have been a good Sonic game, even with its inability to figure out what kind of game it wants to be, if it actually worked. As it is, though, it just...doesn't. You randomly fall through platforms. Certain mandatory flags don't trigger unless you step on the EXACT spot it wants you to, and some don't trigger at all unless you close the game and reload it, causing you wander aimlessly until you think to try that. Other times it DOES load what you're supposed to do, but because the game gives you zero instruction on a certain mechanic or environmental object's purpose, you THINK that it's glitched again and get pissed off and throw your phone across the room, almost smacking your friend in the face with it (sorry Paul).


The frame rate is also....atrocious. It's legitimately unacceptable. I know that the Wii U's hardware is underpowered compared to its peers, but Sonic Boom isn't exactly pushing the limits of graphics, and the game still drops to single digit frame rates in certain places. The thing is, though, I didn't notice frame rate drops in battles. It would be when I'm just walking or something, and usually at a specific place. I'd walk through one doorway, and it would be a fine 30 fps before I walked through the door, but EVERY single time I walked through, the game would stutter. Characters will also just randomly appear from the ether. I'm casually strolling to my next objective (because Sonic doesn't run in this game except in certain 2D places and when he becomes Jesus and runs across water, also only at certain places), and it's like "Oh, okay, it's raining pink hedgehogs and red echidnae."


Speaking of Knuckles, this game butchered his character. I mean, they straight up murdered it. As I'm sure most of you are aware by now, Sonic Boom portrays Knuckles as a fairly happy-go-lucky guy with an IQ of approximately 6. Now I've only played through about half of the Sonic series, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always thought Knuckles to be a pretty bright guy, even if a bit stubborn and impatient. Certainly not so stupid that he literally doesn't know right from left (that's in one of the first cut scenes in the game). Given that Knuckles has been my favorite Sonic character since I was little kid, that REALLY bothers me.


I'm not lying when I say that Sonic Boom was almost a good game. I haven't played the 3DS game, so I can't compare the two, but it really was almost good. If it just...worked. The fact that the game IS an insanely broken mess is a real tragedy because, even with the meh story and ruined characterizations, the game's legitimately fun the few times it actually works like it's supposed to. If you're a big Sonic fan and can find the game for less than $10, it might be worth picking up just to add to your collection and experience once, but even though it's not as bad as the Internet makes it out to be, it's still pretty damn horrible.

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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by laurenhiya21 »

1/16: Diablo III (PC)
1/19: Picross E (3DS DL)
1/23: Baroque (Wii)
2/5: LocoRoco (PSP)
3/31: Picross e2 (3DS DL)
4/7: Stardew Valley (Steam)
4/8: Voices From the Sea (Steam)
4/10: X-Note (Steam)
4/11: To the Moon (Steam)

Total: 9 games

Well uh... I beat a lot of games while the server was down so I'll try and keep this short ha. Most of them were pretty short games anyway so there's not a lot to say on them anyway.

Stardew Valley
This game is so great! I was excited to play it when I saw it on Steam's Greenlight, (since I really like a few of the Harvest Moon games and it reminded me of those) but I didn't follow it too much since I wasn't sure if it would be released in the end or not. I'm glad it did though! It's got nearly everything I love in a Harvest Moon game like crops and animals that are easy to take care of, enough time in a day to actually do stuff, a large mine, a relaxing atmosphere, and good music! I think the only things I didn't particularly like was that I'm not a big fan of most of the towns folk (a lot of them seem a bit shallow to me maybe?) and you can only save when you go to bed. Those complaints are pretty minor though, and I'll definitely be playing this for a while longer :)

Voices From the Sea
When I feel kind of crummy, I sometimes like to play something actionly and mindless or just really short. This time I went with short ha. It's a free to play visual novel about this angry/down kid who goes to the beach and meets a mysterious girl. She then tries to cheer him up in seven days. It ended up not having much more depth that, but it was fine to read, free, and it only took me half and hour so I'm not complaining.

Another visual novel made by the same two (I think it's two) people who did Voices From the Sea. It's a bit longer than the other (took me ~two and a half hours), but it ended up having a bit more depth so I liked it a little more. It's about a high school girl who has psychic powers, who gets asked by a guy to help him find this killer I think. I can't actually remember how he asked, but everyday you train one of three different psychic powers (which each has a different mini-game), and then choose options to find about more about three different guys and/or progress the story.

Now the story and characters were fine but the mini-games I really didn't like. You need to max out all three psychic powers to get a special ending but you only get a few tries of succeeding each day so if you mess up... sucks to be you! I know why they're there (the artist/story guy, zeivia, doesn't like just straight up VNs), but the mini-games aren't even that fun :l Without them, the VN would of been a lot better imo, but oh well.

To the Moon
Now this game has been hyped to the moon and back, so I kind of avoided playing for a little while because of that. I usually have ended up not liking games that are extremely well loved for some reason. How was this? Well I think I might not of enjoyed it as much as many other people did, I thought it wasn't too bad.

The story is pretty interesting with these two scientists who go inside a dying man's memories to manipulate them so the man thinks he went to the moon. Since the scientists are in his memories, they can go back and forth in the man's timeline, reset, or change things which I thought was an interesting idea. Near the end I feel the story gets even better but I won't spoil that ha.

What damped my like for this game, however, was mostly from the controls and a little bit from the art. The Steam page says it's controller compatible, but I could not get that working properly in this game. It kind of expects you to play with a mouse anyway so I did. But man it was so difficult to move the characters around! Plus they are very slow at times, but other times they go pretty fast. When they go faster it's fine, but when they move slow they move like molasses.

But I did end up liking the story enough to get though that, and I was pretty annoyed at that, so that might say something for how much I like the story. Or maybe how stubborn I was being, not sure which :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

1. Ultimate NES Remix (3DS)
2. Space Invaders Infinity Gene (iOS)
3. World of Goo (iOS)
4. A Dark Room (iOS)
5. Shovel Knight (WII U)
6. The Room (iOS)
7. Mega Man 10 (PS3)
8. The Room Two (iOS)
9. Braid (PS3)
10. Kung Fu Fight! (WII U)
11. Kung Fu Rabbit (WII U)
12. Escape Goat (360)
13. Canabalt (iOS)
14. Leo's Fortune (iOS)
15. King's Field: The Ancient City (PS2)
16. Grim Fandango Remastered (iOS)
17. Dust: An Elysian Tale (360)
18. Shantae (GBC)
19. 3D Space Harrier (3DS)
20. 3D After Burner II (3DS)

Shantae is a fun - but occasionally frustrating - GBC platformer. It controls well, but the relatively large sprites coupled with the relatively small size of the GBC's screen results in a lot of unavoidable hits and blind leaps. Additionally, the game's world is open, but like all "metroidvania" games, there is a general sequence for unlocking all of it. The game also features a day/night cycle, and certain events and items are only available at certain times of day. Enemies are also twice as strong at night. (Sarge compared Shantae to Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES), and I agree with him that the two games are very, very similar. Shantae is only 1/s as cryptic, however.) Finally - and perhaps most notably - Shantae features absolutely spectacular sprite work and a very solid soundtrack. WayForward really knew how to push the GBC to its limits, and the developer's expertise with the system is on full display. A few baffling (and extremely frustrating) late-game design decisions ultimately keep the game from achieving greatness, but I am very much looking forward to playing through its sequels. (I am already an hour into Shantae: Risky's Revenge Director's Cut, and it is apparent that WayForward fixed everything that I did not like about the original.)

If you own a 3DS and have not downloaded 3D After Burner II and 3D Space Harrier, you are missing out. They are both fine rail shooters, and IMO, they are two of Sega's very best arcade efforts. Moreover, the 3DS ports are absolutely amazing. Played in 2D mode, the games are arcade-perfect, but in 3D mode, they look simply stunning. (They sound great however you play them.) I loved these games growing up, and I love them even more now that I have pumped enough quarters into them to get to their endings. (Be warned...both After Burner II and Space Harrier are designed to get as many quarters out of you as possible. They are not 1CC games!) I cannot recommend them enough.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

1. Shadow Warrior - Playstation 4 - January 1
2. The Order: 1886 - Playstation 4 - January 2
3. Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop - Wii - January 3
4. NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits - WiiWare - January 4
5. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd - Vita - January 5
6. Shadow the Hedgehog - Gamecube - January 9
7. Fairy Bloom Freeia - Steam - January 10
8. Petit Novel Series: Harvest December - 3DS - January 13
9. Gas Guzzlers Extreme - Steam - January 14
10. Muramasa: The Demon Blade - Wii - January 16
11. Project Zero 2: Wii Edition - Wii - January 19
12. Killzone: Liberation - PSP - January 20
13. Sin & Punishment: Star Successor - Wii - January 20
14. Kirby's Epic Yarn - Wii - January 24
15. Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love - Wii - January 25
16. Corpse Party - PSP - January 25
17. Freedom Planet - Wii U - January 25
18. Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space - Vita - January 25
19. Silent Hill: Homecoming - Xbox 360 - January 26
20. Life is Strange - Playstation 4 - January 28
21. Corpse Party: Book of Shadows - PSP - February 2
22. Megadimension Neptunia VII - Playstation 4 - February 12
23. Dr. Discord's Conquest - NES - February 13
24. Corpse Party: Blood Drive - Vita - February 17
25. If My Heart Had Wings - Steam - February 18
26. Missing: An Interactive Thriller - Steam - February 18
27. Her Story - Steam - February 18
28. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright - 3DS - February 26
29. Saints Row 2 - Steam - March 1
30. Saturday Morning RPG - Playstation 4 - March 3
31. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest - 3DS - March 6
32. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Wii U - March 8
33. Pokken Tournament - Wii U - March 20
34. Moe Chronicle - Vita - March 22
35. Tom Clancey's The Division - Playstation 4 - March 23
36. Yoshi's New Island - 3DS - March 28
37. Alien Rage - Steam - April 1
38. Alien Breed: Impact - Steam - April 2
39. Alien Breed 2: Assault - Steam - April 3
40. Alien Breed 3: Descent - Steam - April 3
41. Bravely Second: Ballad of the Three Cavaliers - 3DS - April 6
42. Quantum Break - Xbox One - April 7
43. Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric - Wii U - April 8
44. Akai Katana - Xbox 360 - April 9
45. Otomedius Excellent - Xbox 360 - April 9
46. Chasing Dead - Wii U - April 10

Okay, since the forums were down for what felt like an eternity, I've got three games to give brief reviews of. I'll start with Akai Katana, my favorite of the three.


Akai Katana was one of my numerous impulse buys inspired by Fragem's Amazon Warehouse Deals post, but Geebus Kryst, it's fantastic. It's a horizontally scrolling bullet hell shooter, and it's surprisingly good. It's not the most challenging - it's extremely approachable and beginner friendly - but it's a lot of fun to play. It's got pretty easily recognizable shot patterns, and your ship/plane/person has a circle in the middle to show you exactly what part of the character model actually counts as the hit box, making it easier to weave in between the shots. Not difficult, and not long - only took me about 45 minutes to play through - but lots of fun. Highly recommended.


Next on my list is a very underwhelming horizontally scrolling shooter - Otomedius Excellent.


Otomedius Excellent is a Konami shooter based on their venerable Gradius series. This is the third game in the series, so it's clearly got a number of fans, but I'm definitely not among them. It's an extremely slow paced shooter, especially when compared to Akai Katana, and your ship's firing speed is EXCRUCIATINGLY slow until you get a couple power-ups. It's not that it's a bad game by any means, and I love the super ecchi anime art style, but the gameplay is definitely not my cup of tea.


The last game is the one I most wanted to share with you all. This is as much a warning as an actual review. Now I've played a lot of video games in my life, and a great number of those have been exceptionally poor quality. This game, however...Chasing Dead for Wii U is, without a doubt or the slightest hyperbole, the worst game I have ever played.


Let me start with how I came to possess the download for this game. Roughly a month ago, I saw a write up on NintendoLife about it. A horror/sci-fi shooter with zombies and robotic drones and mysterious soldiers that's exclusive to Wii U? Hell yeah, man, count me in. So I downloaded on Day 1. It was a $30 download, so I figured that I was in for a decent length, decent quality adventure. Dear God, was I mistaken about that. The game is complete shit, and it only took me roughly 4, maybe 4 and a half hours to finish. I also found out that, a few weeks after launch, the eShop price dropped from $30 to $10. #SaltinessIntensifies

The story involves “another Earth” that appears in sky about 1,000,000 miles away and a lost scout team that was sent to research the mysterious planet. Your guy – a random cybernetic soldier with not real backstory provided – is sent to discover the fate of the scout team and, if possible, rescue any survivors. Then oh no, random zombies…on an airplane. Because apparently Boeing retrofitted their 747s to be spaceworthy, I guess? You’re never really told why there are zombies, or why mysterious masked soldiers start shooting at you later, or why flying drones and attack helicopters start shooting at you either. But there are plenty of great games with shit stories. Just look at No More Heroes. What makes this so bad? ... ead_02.jpg

The first thing that becomes apparent is that the acting is worse than a high school play. The life-action cut scenes in Chasing Dead makes the early and mid 90s FMV games look like performances by Patrick Stewart and Kevin Spacey. The actors would deviate from the subtitles, at times cutting out entire lines or hastily adding in a skipped part last minute. You can clearly see them looking down at a script to read their lines, and the delivery is less convincing than when my students say “Mr. Deck, I wasn’t cheating, I swear!”

Ignore the "Quick Look" bubbles; I pulled the image from Google, and that's the best one I could find of the "acting."

Visually, the game looks like an upscaled Playstation 2 game. Think back to Resistance: Fall of Man, and that’s roughly how the game’s visuals are. The guns look okay, and your character’s arm doesn’t look bad, but it’s mostly just sloppy textures and uninspired designs. That’s not the biggest complaint I have with the visuals because I don’t really care too too much about graphical fidelity in a game. The biggest complaint I have is just…stupid. I honestly have no idea why they did this. The gun models are not even remotely close to what they’re supposed to look like. The AK-47 is clearly an M4. The M4 is clearly an M-16. The MP5 is some M4 variant with binoculars strapped to it. The flamethrower is….I don’t even know, man. It looks like a plasma gun or something. It’s bizarre.

That's an MP5, apparently.

The game’s biggest sin, by far, is its performance. It’s no secret that the Wii U isn’t a robust piece of hardware when compared to the Playstation 4 or the Xbox One, but it’s not exactly a toaster oven, and this game could probably have been run by the original Xbox. If the game looks like a potato, then you’d expect it to run fairly well, right? Wrong. Super wrong. More wrong than Donald Trump’s creepy crush on his daughter. The game varied from about 5 fps to 20 fps. I’m not kidding. A first person shooter with a single digit frame rate.

Oh, but if only that were the game’s only performance sin. The game is a broken mess all around. This game is FAR more broken than Sonic Boom BEFORE the 1.2 GB patch. Take this little anecdote, for example. I had a sniper rifle (which had like a 2x zoom – that’s it), so I was like “Hey, I’ll get on the roof of this building to get a better vantage point.” Nope. I fell through the roof. There was no hole or anything in the roof; I just fell through. No problem, I’ll just go out the door. Right? Wrong. The door won’t open. It’s just aesthetic. I had to reload to the previous checkpoint because I couldn’t get out of the damn house. On three separate occasions, the game crashed. I’ve had a few games on my Wii U freeze, forcing me to hard reset the system, but that’s not what happened here. The Wii U was still completely responsive. I could open up the home menu without so much as a stutter. The game, however, had completely crashed, complete with error message telling me to eject the (non-existent) disc. Three times this happened, and always at the transition between the end of one level and the start of the next but BEFORE it saved my progress, forcing me to redo the 20 minute or so level.


And then there’s the jeep driving. Imagine the Mako from Mass Effect. Now imagine that but 10 times harder to drive. That’s how driving this damn jeep feels. It’s almost completely impossible to drive, but like the Mako, it can drive pretty much straight vertical. So I thought to myself, “I’ll drive up to the top of this little mountain and look around to see if I can find my next objective.” Well, even if the draw distance were more than six inches and allowed that, the planet had other ideas. At random times, my jeep’s wheels would get stuck in the rock, and I’d be forced to try to shimmy my way out of a non-existent crack which would usually cause me to spend at least 30 seconds spinning my jeep on its nose until it decided to jump out of the mountain and fall back to the ground on its wheels. Then I would say "Screw it, I'll walk," get out of the jeep to go on foot, and my legs would get stuck in the rock. It was bullshit.

Then there's boss ripped straight from Attack on Titan that throws tanks at you. He legit throws tanks and jeeps at you.

From what I've heard, the Steam version is better, and they're supposedly porting it to PS4. The Wii U version, however, is just unacceptably bad. Do NOT buy this game. This a complete waste of money. I though Meme Run or The Letter was the worst game on the Wii U eShop. I was wrong; it's Chasing Dead.

Oh, and apparently you're a cannibal cyborg with no backstory. :roll:
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by MrPopo »

1. Oni - PC
2. Donkey Kong 64 - N64
3. Yoshi's Story - N64
4. Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide - PC
5. Forsaken 64 - N64
6. Bloodrayne: Betrayal - PSN
7. Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu - SNES
8. Fire Emblem Shin Monshō no Nazo: Hikari to Kage no Eiyū - Nintendo DS
9. Valkyria Chronicles 3 - PSP
10. Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - DC
11. Rise of the Tomb Raider - PC
12. XCOM 2 - PC
13. Shadowrun Hong Kong Bonus Campaign - PC
14. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest - 3DS
15. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright - 3DS
16. Lagrange Point - NES
17. Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations - 3DS
18. Cybernator - SNES
19. Outwars - PC
20. Resident Evil - GC
21. Resident Evil 2 - GC
22. Resident Evil 3 - GC
23. Resident Evil Code Veronica X - GC
24. Dino Crisis - PSX
25. Resident Evil 5 - PC

So I have really mixed feelings about this entry. On the one hand it starts off terribly. The first level ends with a large force of zombies that you don't have enough ammo for unless you're really good about using melee attacks and you essentially have to survive until the end chapter cutscene. Combat-wise things get better after that because you don't face as large of hordes and you get more ammo and better weapons. But the game is still a corridor shooter the whole way; two times you get to move through a largish level to get to specific combat areas which reward you with a key at the end and exactly one time there is a legitimate puzzle solving section involving redirecting a concentrated beam of light (and even that ends up being insultingly easy). It's clear the devs thought that the only reason that RE4 sold well was the improved combat and so decided to focus on that.

That said, in Chapter 5 you suddenly get a major payoff as a fan of the overall series; this is the point where the game ties RE5 with the larger mythos in a pretty major way. That is the part of the game I really liked. They even change up how the levels feel to be a bit closer to the classic RE feel (though it is still a linear set of corridors). This is also the part where RE5 does things better than RE4, as RE4 was pretty well divorced from the rest of the series story-wise.

So now I'm not sure how I feel about games that are more recent than 5. I've heard Revelations is a bit more of a return to form and I haven't looked too closely into 6. So I'm thinking of picking them up if they go on sale on Steam for a good discount.
Blizzard Entertainment Software Developer - All comments and views are my own and not representative of the company.
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