Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by MegaJ »

I have a bunch I can play for this one! 8-Bit handheld RPGs and adventures are my jam!

First I'm starting with-

Makai Toushi Sa·Ga (Or... The Final Fantasy Legend) -
So the game I physically have is technically the first SaGa game, though I'm using my Retron5 to patch its English localisation The Final Fantasy Legend onto it as a translation.
Just started it last night- you create your character and you're dumped into an odd fantasy world with sci-fi (and just plain quirky) elements. There's a giant tower which supposedly leads to paradise, but none who have challenged it have returned. You're gunna challenge it.

You start out in a mini-town around the tower. Here, you'll find a guild where you can recruit the other three members of your party right away. There are three main character archetypes to choose from- Humans and Mutants (male and female- guys seem to get a slight boost to strength, while girls get a slight boost to agility) and Monsters. Interestingly, all three character types grow stronger through different mechanics!

Humans seem really solid- lots of item slots, and generally physical-focused. Humans only gain stats through items- either from drinking stat potions, or wearing equipment- there's no EXP after battle, just dropped gold.

Mutants are essentially the game's mages- they're more magic-focused than physical. Mutants get stronger from completing battles- they're the closest thing to traditional RPG levelling, and they also gain skills through completing battles. But the catch is, they can also *LOSE* skills after battle- and both are random. I don't actually have any skills for my Mutant yet aside from 'ESP', which doesn't seem to be an attack- pretty sure it just raises your evasion for a turn or something.

Finally, there are Monsters, who are by far the funkiest character type yet. You actually get a choice of multiple different Monsters when creating your player character or party- they all have different appearances, stats and abilities and elemental strengths/weaknesses- though they can't use or equip weapons or items at all. How Monsters work is, every so often, when you finish a battle, you'll be presented with the enemy's meat- only a Monster party member can use this, and it actually makes your Monster transform into a totally different Monster based on certain progression lines. I'm going in blind with this one and not looking it up- it's just fun to eat the meat and see what happens, and generally, just eating boss meat is supposed to be a steady bet to make them really strong for a while, though apparently they're the least useful character type long-term- but their fun value is high, so I definitely had to take one with me on my adventure!

Just like every other standard RPG mechanic in this game, equipment works weird too- weapons have a number next to them which shows its remaining uses. You need to keep enough weapons in backup, Fire Emblem style, in case you run out- this includes punches and kicks too, weirdly. Spells are equipped and work the same too- though I think they actually get stronger/more accurate the less uses they have remaining?

So I've just started my adventure! The tower to paradise is locked, and apparently I need to re-equip the statue of the legendary hero with it's shield, sword and armour to unlock it. These are treasures held by King Armor, King Sword and King Shield respectively. Convenient! So now it's time to solve a bandit problem to help a King's lady friend he has a crush on! Who happens to be a weird little cyclops-alien person who are one of the major races. What's cool about these games is that humans, mutants, big-eyed alien looking things, skeletons, zombies, big bull demons, they're all just kind of... people. Any of them can just be a standard town NPC, it's just a quirky world like that! I like that.

Here's my party!
I gave my character my own name, but I decided to go with musician names for everyone else! (I watch a lot of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, ok? :P)

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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by SpaceBooger »

I got FF Legend and tried it back in the early 90s. I was confused as hell... I tried it a couple of times in the past but was still confused so I gave up each time. Reading what you posted, I may give that game a try again. I just beat the fourth dungeon, Angler's Tunnel in Link's Awakening so there should be time to start another game before the end of the month.
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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by marurun »

I have begun Dragon Warrior III. Maru the lewd hero, Ack the lazy Warrior, Pidg the stubborn fighter, and Popo the stubborn Cleric have ventured forth into the terrain around Alihan with their sights set on an island tower. How will they fare? Grindy, so far!
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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by MegaJ »

SpaceBooger wrote:I got FF Legend and tried it back in the early 90s. I was confused as hell... I tried it a couple of times in the past but was still confused so I gave up each time. Reading what you posted, I may give that game a try again. I just beat the fourth dungeon, Angler's Tunnel in Link's Awakening so there should be time to start another game before the end of the month.

I think I've done similar with the Final Fantasy Legend games in the past- they're actually a little more complicated mechanically than they look on the surface, so looking up the basics helps a lot. The game is still really, really simple outside of the mechanical quirks, though!

I just got the King Armor! One of the three legendary equipment pieces for the Hero's statue. I'm just gonna... keep hold of it for now, and only put it on the statue when I have all three, because- wow, it's just a plain great piece of armour to equip anyway! Making my squishy mage a lot less squishy was almost reward enough for that quest!

Oh yeah- that reminds me- even reviving characters has funky mechanics too.
Enya, my Mutant, got killed on our first adventure. You can pay to bring them back at the 'House of Life' in each town. BUT!- revival has a cost beyond money- each character has three hearts, alongside their HP. Each revival costs a heart. If a character's out of hearts, they can't revive- you can buy more hearts, but they're crazy expensive to the point of basically being unobtainable for (I'm guessing?) most of the game. So there's *almost* permadeath here, too- in fact, you can even just recruit a whole new character instead of reviving them if you need to.

You lose no money or items or anything from defeat, but the hearts system still makes death really punishing! I almost considered reloading my save when I lost one, even, since it was such an early quest- but I figured I'd play it where it is for now, and see how it ends up going.

Also, Ozzy's now a Slime. Slimes actually seem pretty great at this point of the game!

Edit: I think the cart's save battery died mid-game, or some weird save thing happened... I got all the legendary equipment and saved right before attempting the tower. I reloaded that same save and I was back to the very first save I did right after starting the game?? I lost everything ;_;
I tried saving and reloading a few times, and once again, it kicked me back to an earlier save for some reason. Thankfully, saving using savestates with my Retron5 sidesteps this issue, so this hopefully won't be a problem again- it's something to do with the actual cart's save- either some screwy patch loading/cart reading issue, or the save battery itself making it act weird.
Thankfully, it didn't take too long, and I now know exactly how to do it all again, but that still sucks. Agh.
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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:I am playing For the Frog the Bell Tolls. It is a very odd game most famous, perhaps, because Nintendo reused its engine for Link’s Awakening.

In it, you play as a prince, Prince Sable, who sails off to an island to compete against another prince, Prince Richard, to rescue Princess Tiramisu. After a while, you are turned into a frog, and you quickly gain the ability to turn into a frog, prince, or snake at will. The game has some very, very light RPG elements - you have some basic stats that you improve by buying or finding items - and the combat is very odd. Once you bump into an enemy, you trade blows with it until one or the other is victorious. How quickly you take down your enemies’ health, and how quickly they take down yours depends on your stats and whether you’re a frog, prince, or snake. The game leans in hard on the 2D platforming, with the “dungeons” being mostly played from a side-view perspective. All of these strange mechanics combine to make something very, very different from Link’s Awakening, but nonetheless quite compelling and enjoyable.’s done! I beat For the Frog the Bell Tolls this morning. It is, as I stated above, a very odd game. It ends up being much more like an adventure game than a RPG or even an ARPG, despite some very light RPG (and not so light platforming) elements. Has anyone else played it? If so, I’m curious as to what you thought of it too.

I was going to play Rolan’s Curse next, but my cart’s acting up a bit. I want to play at least one more game for this month’s TR, but I’m not sure what to play. I may go for Final Fantasy Adventure, since I’ve randomly beaten its sequel and would like to play through all three eventually. I may also try something more esoteric, though, like Wizardry Gaiden or Mysterium. Maybe I’ll even try something for the Game Gear!
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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by MegaJ »

prfsnl_gmr’s done! I beat For the Frog the Bell Tolls this morning. It is, as I stated above, a very odd game. It ends up being much more like an adventure game than a RPG or even an ARPG, despite some very light RPG (and not so light platforming) elements. Has anyone else played it? If so, I’m curious as to what you thought of it too.

I was going to play Rolan’s Curse next, but my cart’s acting up a bit. I want to play at least one more game for this month’s TR, but I’m not sure what to play. I may go for Final Fantasy Adventure, since I’ve randomly beaten its sequel and would like to play through all three eventually. I may also try something more esoteric, though, like Wizardry Gaiden or Mysterium. Maybe I’ll even try something for the Game Gear!

I've played it, and it's easily one of my all-time favourite Game Boy games! :D I really love everything this game does, and even more so since it laid the groundwork for Link's Awakening, which is a very special game to me! :)
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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by alienjesus »

I've also played it and loved it. Here's my old racketboy review: (2nd post)

It's fair to say that I was a big fan.
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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

alienjesus wrote:I've also played it and loved it. Here's my old racketboy review: (2nd post)

It's fair to say that I was a big fan.

Great review. I’m not sure I’m quite as enthusiastic about the game, but I certainly enjoyed it. Your review captured my thoughts on it almost exactly.
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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by alienjesus »

I dived back into Great Greed this evening. I picked up at the Kingdom of Chow Mein, where I quickly learnt from my new friend Springroll that the good Doctor I was meant to be meeting had been thrown in jail! Springroll ran off to save him, but when he didn't return I teamed up with his fiance, and the doctors daughter, Lolly Pop to see what had happened.

I ventured to the town of Tuna which it turns our had instituted a daily lottery of random laws - anyone forgetting laws would be thrown in jail. You actually get to randomise these yourself which is fun, with laws like 'dont leave town through the east exit' and 'dont visit the inn' being amongst the selection.

Eventually I managed to break into prison and rescue Springroll, and then it was off to the nation of Curry. In Curry, I met the princess Truffle, who was researching a way of defeating the evil Bio-haz using the pure waters of the nearby lake. Unfortunately, someone had poisoned the watering hole, so we started work on a purification elixir. Unfortunately, we couldnt get close to the lake to drop the elixir in due to very frequent poisonous fog coming from it, so I needed to find a way to move faster so I could get there before the fog. This game in the form of the Megahot flower, which allowed me to leg it cartoon-style due to my mouth being on fire. This worked, the problem was solved, and I've now arrived in the land of Spaghetti, ready to take on the next challenge.

I think I'm about half way through the buffet now :lol:
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Re: Together Retro April 2021 - Little Big Adventure

Post by MegaJ »

Great Greed sounds like exactly the kind of nonsense I love, I need it! :D
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